17 February 2025

Amedeo Smart

Independent Medical Education

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17 February 2025 | n=42

  1. Toro Monjaraz EM, Zamorano-Jimenze CA, Knockaert N, Huysentruyt K, et al.
    The Cow's Milk-Related Symptom Score (CoMiSS) in Presumed Healthy Mexican Infants.
    Acta Paediatr 2025.

  2. Uguru UA, Ajah ON.
    EBNEO Commentary: Non-Invasive HFOV Versus Nasal CPAP for Preterm Infants.
    Acta Paediatr 2025.

  3. Wejryd E, Marchini G, Bang P, Jonsson B, et al.
    Neurodevelopment and Growth 2 Years After Probiotic Supplementation in Extremely Preterm Infants: A Randomised Trial.
    Acta Paediatr 2025.

  4. Domellof M.
    Milk Cereal Drinks, Infant Growth and Later Risk of Obesity.
    Acta Paediatr 2025.

  5. Mastropietro C, Dimino G, Vinit N, Quetin F, et al.
    Neonatal Inflammation and Feeding Disorders at 1 Year in Infants With Congenital Gastrointestinal Malformations.
    Acta Paediatr 2025.

  6. Plavka R, Jonas K, Lamberska T.
    Responding to Queries on Using High-Flow Nasal Cannulas for Preterm Neonates Immediately After Delivery.
    Acta Paediatr 2025.

  7. Bone JN, Joseph KS, Magee LA, Mayer C, et al.
    Detailed demographic, psychosocial and clinical data are needed for elucidating perinatal risks.
    Am J Obstet Gynecol 2025.

  8. Pee H, Hussein K, DeSalvio G, Kocherlakota P, et al.
    Maternal and Neonatal Risk Factors Associated with Positive Toxicology Results.
    Am J Perinatol 2025.

  9. Salome S, Gammella R, Coppola C, Dolce P, et al.
    Can viral load predict a symptomatic congenital CMV infection? A systematic review and meta-analysis.
    Eur J Pediatr 2025;184:188.

  10. De Vadder A, Lemloh L, Bo B, Hale L, et al.
    Bosentan as adjunctive therapy in neonates with congenital diaphragmatic hernia-associated pulmonary hypertension: a case series.
    Eur J Pediatr 2025;184:198.

  11. Gunjan K, Modi M, Thakur A, Soni A, et al.
    Correction to: Echocardiographic characteristics in neonates with septic shock.
    Eur J Pediatr 2025;184:185.

  12. Meesters NJ, van den Bosch GE, Tataranno ML, van den Akker CHP, et al.
    Exposure to clinical stressors during NICU admission in preterm infants.
    Eur J Pediatr 2025;184:196.

  13. Varrio T, De Luca D, Kuitunen I.
    Evidence certainty in neonatology-a meta-epidemiological analysis of Cochrane reviews.
    Eur J Pediatr 2025;184:191.

  14. Ybarra M, Selvanathan T, Guo T, Chau V, et al.
    Hemodynamic Risk Factors for Cerebellar Hemorrhage Presence and Volume in Infants Born Very Preterm.
    J Pediatr 2025.

  15. Archambault JL, Hernandez TL, Nozik ES, Palmer C, et al.
    Corrigendum to "Relationship Between Urine Serotonin and Persistent Pulmonary Hypertension of the Newborn". J Pediatr 2025; 276:114290.
    J Pediatr 2025.

  16. Massarelli C, Weintraub A, Bush D, Ratner V, et al.
    Duration of continuous positive airway pressure: associations with length of stay and oral feeding patterns in a level IV neonatal intensive care unit.
    J Perinatol 2025.

  17. Bahr TM, Ohls RK, Henry E, Davenport P, et al.
    The number of blood transfusions received and the incidence and severity of chronic lung disease among NICU patients born >31 weeks gestation.
    J Perinatol 2025;45:218-223.

  18. Shah D, Adelli R, Chroust A, Lewis N, et al.
    Outpatient tapering of buprenorphine in opioid use disorder pregnancies may improve neonatal outcomes.
    J Perinatol 2025.

  19. Dudeja S, Saini SS, Sundaram V, Dutta S, et al.
    Early hydrocortisone verses placebo in neonatal shock- a double blind Randomized controlled trial.
    J Perinatol 2025.

  20. Bischoff AR, Hobson AA, McNamara PJ, Rios DR, et al.
    Impact of a patent ductus arteriosus on non-invasive pre- and post-ductal blood pressures in extremely preterm infants during the first two postnatal weeks.
    J Perinatol 2025.

  21. Davydova Y, Elachi D, Miller R, Thomas C, et al.
    Immediate heart rate changes in late preterm infants receiving resuscitation in the delivery room.
    J Perinatol 2025.

  22. Hausler S, Schonborn L, Gradl J, Cadamuro J, et al.
    Maternal Anti-PF4 Antibodies as Cause of Neonatal Stroke.
    N Engl J Med 2025;392:719-721.

  23. Akkaya A, Ilhan O, Kocaoglu I, Hakan N, et al.
    Comparison of Three Methods in Estimating the Oral Endotracheal Tube Insertion Depth in Neonates: Nasal Septum-Tragus Length, Weight, or Gestation? A Randomized Trial.
    Pediatr Pulmonol 2025;60:e70992.

  24. Schneider-Futschik EK, Munro CB, Quinlan C, Ranganathan S, et al.
    Investigating the Potential Hearing Impairment and Ototoxicity in Children up to Six Years With Cystic Fibrosis After Aminoglycoside Exposure (PIANO-CF Extension).
    Pediatr Pulmonol 2025;60:e27505.

  25. Dudeck B, Abebe EW, Sun W, Gaskin PR, et al.
    Modifiable and Non-Modifiable Risk Factors for Tracheostomy in Preterm Infants.
    Pediatr Pulmonol 2025;60:e71005.

  26. Forcellini CA, Rossignoli S, Ficial B, Cenci G, et al.
    A Refined Score, Namely Thoracic Ultrasound Score, to Predict the Need for Surfactant in Preterm Neonates: A Prospective, Multicenter, Observational Study.
    Pediatr Pulmonol 2025;60:e71001.

  27. Condit PE, Hokanson JS, Balasubramaniam V, McCulley DJ, et al.
    Risk Factors Associated With the Development of Late Pulmonary Artery Hypertension in Extremely Premature Infants.
    Pediatr Pulmonol 2025;60:e27501.

  28. Masolini M, Ferrari B, Castellani C, Calogero C, et al.
    Efficacy of Intrapulmonary Percussive Ventilation in a Newborn With Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia.
    Pediatr Pulmonol 2025;60:e70995.

  29. Gautam NK, H A V, Pejaver R, Nagesh K, et al.
    Diagnostic Utility of Bedside "Point of Care Lung Ultrasound" in Predicting the Need For NICU Admission in Late Preterm and Term Newborns Having Respiratory Distress Soon After Birth in the Transition Period: A Prospective Observational Study.
    Pediatr Pulmonol 2025;60:e71000.

  30. Huang W, Djebali K, Cho KY, Gardner K, et al.
    Synergism between TLR4 and B. infantis in the development of the premature intestine.
    Pediatr Res 2025.

  31. Ankerud EP.
    Family reflections: decades of advancements in medical technology results in pioneering congenital heart defect patient thriving with life-long condition.
    Pediatr Res 2025.

  32. Purohit R, Usman F, Ie A, van der Vaart M, et al.
    Physiological responses to retinopathy of prematurity screening: indirect ophthalmoscopy versus ultra-widefield retinal imaging.
    Pediatr Res 2025.

  33. Abrudan AS, Schoots MH, Kooi EMW, Gordijn SJ, et al.
    Placental pathology is associated with lower quality fidgety movements in preterm infants.
    Pediatr Res 2025.

  34. Kirjavainen T, Kanerva M, Kukkola HL, Nokso-Koivisto J, et al.
    Upper airway obstruction during sleep in infants with laryngomalacia is frequently sleep-position-dependent.
    Pediatr Res 2025.

  35. Luna MS, Pacheco NG.
    "An opportunity to help neonates and small infants to breath in low and middle-income countries".
    Pediatr Res 2025.

  36. Peeples ES, Molloy EJ, Bearer CF.
    Novel biomarkers of fetal and neonatal environmental exposure, effect and susceptibility.
    Pediatr Res 2025.

  37. Bellini C.
    Somewhere, high in the sky. A tribute to a longstanding commitment to neonatal air transport.
    Pediatr Res 2025.

  38. Soll RF, Edwards EM.
    Safety and Efficacy of Probiotics for Preterm Infants.
    Pediatrics 2025.

  39. Alshaikh BN, Ting J, Lee S, Lemyre B, et al.
    Effectiveness and Risks of Probiotics in Preterm Infants.
    Pediatrics 2025;155.

  40. Bruce L, Lewis CS, Mercurio MR.
    Infanticide and Infant Abandonment: New Directions in US Law and Policy.
    Pediatrics 2025;155.

  41. Swenson CE, Hunt WR, Manfredi C, Beltran DJ, et al.
    Evaluating elexacaftor/tezacaftor/ivacaftor (ETI; Trikafta) for treatment of patients with non-cystic fibrosis bronchiectasis (NCFBE): A clinical study protocol.
    PLoS One 2025;20:e0316721.

  42. Nowak J, Ssanyu JN, Namiiro F, Mountford N, et al.
    Diagnosis of neonatal and adult sepsis using a Serum Amyloid A lateral flow test.
    PLoS One 2025;20:e0314702.

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Amedeo Neonatology

Five-Week Literature

17 February 2025

10 February 2025

03 February 2025

27 January 2025

20 January 2025

17 February 2025

Multidisciplinary Journal Club

  1. Li Y, Marks SM, Beeler Asay GR, Winston CA, et al.
    Effectiveness and Cost-Effectiveness of Expanded Targeted Testing and Treatment of Latent Tuberculosis Infection Among the Medicare Population in 2022.
    Ann Intern Med. 2025 Feb 7. doi: 10.7326/ANNALS-24-00870.

  2. Vijiaratnam N, Girges C, Auld G, McComish R, et al.
    Exenatide once a week versus placebo as a potential disease-modifying treatment for people with Parkinson's disease in the UK: a phase 3, multicentre, double-blind, parallel-group, randomised, placebo-controlled trial.
    Lancet. 2025 Feb 4:S0140-6736(24)02808-3. doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(24)02808.

  3. Dunn JA, Donnelly P, Elbeltagi N, Marshall A, et al.
    Annual versus less frequent mammographic surveillance in people with breast cancer aged 50 years and older in the UK (Mammo-50): a multicentre, randomised, phase 3, non-inferiority trial.
    Lancet. 2025;405:396-407.

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