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Sleep Disorders

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1 BMC Geriatr
3 Chest
1 Eur Respir J
1 Neurology
16 Sleep

    BMC Geriatr

  1. IDALINO SCC, Candido LM, Wagner KJP, de Souza Moreira B, et al
    Association between sleep problems and functional disability in community-dwelling older adults.
    BMC Geriatr. 2024;24:253.
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  2. LABARCA G, Singh B
    Pitolisant: A Game Changer for Managing Sleepiness in OSA?
    Chest. 2024;165:486-487.
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  3. PEPIN JL, Attali V, Causse C, Verbraecken J, et al
    Long-Term Efficacy and Safety of Pitolisant for Residual Sleepiness Due to OSA.
    Chest. 2024;165:692-703.
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  4. HOFF E, Strassberger C, Zou D, Grote L, et al
    Modification of Endotypic Traits in OSA by the Carbonic Anhydrase Inhibitor Sulthiame.
    Chest. 2024;165:704-715.
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    Eur Respir J

  5. CHENG WJ, Finnsson E, Agustsson JS, Sands SA, et al
    Endotypic traits of supine position and supine-predominant obstructive sleep apnoea in Asian patients.
    Eur Respir J. 2024;63:2301660.
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  6. GAIG C, Gruter T, Heidbreder A, Sabater L, et al
    Development of a Composite Score for the Clinical Assessment of Anti-IgLON5 Disease.
    Neurology. 2024;102:e208101.
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  7. QUINLAN CM, Chang X, March M, Mentch FD, et al
    Identification of novel loci in obstructive sleep apnea in European American and African American children.
    Sleep. 2024;47:zsac182.
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  8. LIU X, Yang Y, Liu ZZ, Jia CX, et al
    Life stress and suicidality mediated by insomnia and depressive symptoms in adolescents: a three-wave longitudinal study.
    Sleep. 2024;47:zsad121.
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  9. OVERTON M, Skoog J, Laukka EJ, Bodin TH, et al
    Sleep disturbances and change in multiple cognitive domains among older adults: a multicenter study of five Nordic cohorts.
    Sleep. 2024;47:zsad244.
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  10. FERRE S, Winkelman JW, Garcia-Borreguero D, Belcher AM, et al
    Restless legs syndrome, neuroleptic-induced akathisia, and opioid-withdrawal restlessness: shared neuronal mechanisms?
    Sleep. 2024;47:zsad273.
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  11. SHEN Z, Yang X, She T, Zhao G, et al
    Deficits in brain default mode network connectivity mediate the relationship between poor sleep quality and anxiety severity.
    Sleep. 2024;47:zsad296.
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  12. VIDIGAL TA, Haddad FLM, Guimaraes TM, Silva LO, et al
    Can intraoral and facial photos predict obstructive sleep apnea in the general and clinical population?
    Sleep. 2024;47:zsad307.
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  13. VAN DER WOERD C, van Gorp H, Dujardin S, Sastry M, et al
    Studying sleep: towards the identification of hypnogram features that drive expert interpretation.
    Sleep. 2024;47:zsad306.
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  14. DURACCIO KM, Xu Y, Beebe DW, Lanphear B, et al
    High levels of sleep disturbance across early childhood increases cardiometabolic disease risk index in early adolescence: longitudinal sleep analysis using the Health Outcomes and Measures of the Environment study.
    Sleep. 2024;47:zsad318.
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  15. SADOC M, Clairembault T, Coron E, Berthomier C, et al
    Wake and non-rapid eye movement sleep dysfunction is associated with colonic neuropathology in Parkinson's disease.
    Sleep. 2024;47:zsad310.
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  16. SHENG D, Li P, Xiao Z, Li X, et al
    Identification of bidirectional causal links between gut microbiota and narcolepsy type 1 using Mendelian randomization.
    Sleep. 2024;47:zsae004.
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  17. SANSOM K, Reynolds A, Windred D, Phillips A, et al
    The interrelationships between sleep regularity, obstructive sleep apnea, and hypertension in a middle-aged community population.
    Sleep. 2024;47:zsae001.
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    Restless legs syndrome, neuroleptic-induced akathisia, and the iron opioid dopamine link.
    Sleep. 2024;47:zsae008.
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  19. MAO T, Guo B, Rao H
    Unraveling the complex interplay between insomnia, anxiety, and brain networks.
    Sleep. 2024;47:zsad330.
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  20. KOA TB, Gooley JJ, Chee MWL, Lo JC, et al
    Neurobehavioral functions during recurrent periods of sleep restriction: effects of intra-individual variability in sleep duration.
    Sleep. 2024;47:zsae010.
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  21. BU L, Wang D, Fan Y, Ye H, et al
    Sleep disturbance and suicidal ideation mediated by psychotic-like experiences in adolescents: a two-wave longitudinal study.
    Sleep. 2024;47:zsae013.
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  22. FLORES-MIR C, Almeida FR, Khosravi R, Vora S, et al
    Use of facial features to predict obstructive sleep apnea presence and severity.
    Sleep. 2024;47:zsae017.
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