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1 ACS Omega
1 Emerg Med Clin North Am
1 Heliyon
1 Indian J Community Med
1 Trop Med Infect Dis
1 Vaccine
1 Vet Med Sci
2 Viruses

    ACS Omega

  1. LU J, Bai Y, Wang X, Huang P, et al
    Sensitive, Semiquantitative, and Portable Nucleic Acid Detection of Rabies Virus Using a Personal Glucose Meter.
    ACS Omega. 2024;9:26058-26065.
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    Emerg Med Clin North Am

  2. SCHLEIN S, Park A, Sethi S
    Animal Bites and Attacks.
    Emerg Med Clin North Am. 2024;42:639-652.
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  3. CHARLES M, Masanja VG, Torres DFM, Mfinanga SG, et al
    Mathematical model to assess the impact of contact rate and environment factor on transmission dynamics of rabies in humans and dogs.
    Heliyon. 2024;10:e32012.
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    Indian J Community Med

  4. SALEEM SM, Jan SS
    Enhancing India's Rabies Eradication Efforts: A Holistic Approach.
    Indian J Community Med. 2024;49:558-559.
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    Trop Med Infect Dis

  5. MALAN AJ, Coetzer A, Bosch C, Wright N, et al
    A Perspective of the Epidemiology of Rabies in South Africa, 1998-2019.
    Trop Med Infect Dis. 2024;9:122.
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  6. JIN F, Zhu L, Wang Y, Qin G, et al
    Randomized, blind, controlled phase III clinical trial: Assessing the immunogenicity and safety of freeze-dried human rabies vaccine (vero cell) with a 4-dose regimen (2-1-1) in a 10-60 year-old demographic.
    Vaccine. 2024 Jun 26:S0264-410X(24)00700-X. doi: 10.1016/j.vaccine.2024.
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    Vet Med Sci

  7. FAZLALIPOUR M, Shabansalmani N, Farahtaj F, Massoudi S, et al
    A case report of rabies in a striped hyena (Hyaena hyaena) in Qazvin Province of Iran.
    Vet Med Sci. 2024;10:e1514.
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  8. ASHRAF HN, Uversky VN
    Intrinsic Disorder in the Host Proteins Entrapped in Rabies Virus Particles.
    Viruses. 2024;16:916.
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  9. VODOPIJA R, Lojkic I, Hamidovic D, Boneta J, et al
    Bat Bites and Rabies PEP in the Croatian Reference Centre for Rabies 1995-2020.
    Viruses. 2024;16:876.
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