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Multiple Sclerosis

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1 AJNR Am J Neuroradiol
2 Ann Neurol
5 J Neurol
1 J Neurol Sci
1 Rev Neurol

    AJNR Am J Neuroradiol

  1. KEEGAN BM, Messina SA, Hanson D, Holmes D, et al
    MR Imaging Features of Critical Spinal Demyelinating Lesions Associated with Progressive Motor Impairment.
    AJNR Am J Neuroradiol. 2024;45:943-950.
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    Ann Neurol

  2. HU Y, Frisell T, Alping P, Song H, et al
    Hospital-Treated Infections and Risk of Disability Worsening in Multiple Sclerosis.
    Ann Neurol. 2024 Jul 10. doi: 10.1002/ana.27026.
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  3. GRUT V, Bistrom M, Salzer J, Stridh P, et al
    Interactions between High Seroreactivity to Human Herpes Virus 6A and Epstein-Barr Virus in MS Development: A Presymptomatic Case-Control Study.
    Ann Neurol. 2024;96:302-305.
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    J Neurol

  4. VITI V, Zanetta C, Capra R, Municchi A, et al
    Ocrelizumab-associated enteritis in patients with multiple sclerosis: an emerging safety issue.
    J Neurol. 2024 Jul 11. doi: 10.1007/s00415-024-12553.
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  5. KAPPOS L, Edan G, Freedman MS, Hartung HP, et al
    Long-term clinical outcomes in patients with CIS treated with interferon beta-1b: results from the 15-year follow up of the BENEFIT trial.
    J Neurol. 2024;271:4599-4609.
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  6. ZANGHI A, Borriello G, Bonavita S, Fantozzi R, et al
    Ocrelizumab and ofatumumab comparison: an Italian real-world propensity score matched study.
    J Neurol. 2024;271:4495-4502.
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  7. HARTUNG HP, Berger T, Bermel RA, Brochet B, et al
    ENSEMBLE PLUS: final results of shorter ocrelizumab infusion from a randomized controlled trial.
    J Neurol. 2024;271:4348-4360.
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  8. MAKHANI N, Lebrun-Frenay C, Siva A, Shabanova V, et al
    The diagnostic workup of children with the radiologically isolated syndrome differs by age and by sex.
    J Neurol. 2024;271:4019-4027.
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    J Neurol Sci

  9. TOOROP AA, Wessels MHJ, Gelissen LMY, Hoitsma E, et al
    Influence of personalized extended interval dosing on the natalizumab wearing-off effect - a sub-study of the NEXT-MS trial.
    J Neurol Sci. 2024;462:123102.
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    Rev Neurol

  10. FERNANDEZ O, Montalban X, Aguera E, Aladro Y, et al
    [XVI Post-ECTRIMS Meeting: review of the new developments presented at the 2023 ECTRIMS Congress (II)].
    Rev Neurol. 2024;79:51-66.
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