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Articles published in
    January 2023
  1. IRINANTENAINA J, Carn G, Randriamiarinjatovo DNAL, Harimanana AN, et al
    Therapeutic efficacy and safety of artesunate + amodiaquine and artemether + lumefantrine in treating uncomplicated Plasmodium falciparum malaria in children on the rainy south-east coast of Madagascar.
    Parasite. 2023;30:32.
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  2. ALVES ACJ, Feio Dos Santos AC, Peres JMV, Nascimento JMS, et al
    Morphological atypia and molecular profile of Plasmodium vivax: Findings from an outbreak in the Brazilian Amazon.
    Parasite. 2023;30:38.
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    January 2022
  3. KOUAKOU YI, Omorou R, Said IB, Lavoignat A, et al
    Assessment of quantitative and semi-quantitative biological test methods of artesunate in vitro.
    Parasite. 2022;29:18.
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  4. PICOT S, Perpoint T, Chidiac C, Sigal A, et al
    Diagnostic accuracy of fluorescence flow-cytometry technology using Sysmex XN-31 for imported malaria in a non-endemic setting.
    Parasite. 2022;29:31.
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  5. YUSUF NM, Zulkefli J, Jiram AI, Vythilingam I, et al
    Plasmodium spp. in macaques, Macaca fascicularis, in Malaysia, and their potential role in zoonotic malaria transmission.
    Parasite. 2022;29:32.
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    January 2021
  6. BAMOU R, Kopya E, Nkahe LD, Menze BD, et al
    Increased prevalence of insecticide resistance in Anopheles coluzzii populations in the city of Yaounde, Cameroon and influence on pyrethroid-only treated bed net efficacy.
    Parasite. 2021;28:8.
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  7. DUROFIL A, Radice M, Blanco-Salas J, Ruiz-Tellez T, et al
    Piper aduncum essential oil: a promising insecticide, acaricide and antiparasitic. A review.
    Parasite. 2021;28:42.
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  8. GBESSI EA, Toure OA, Gnondjui A, Koui TS, et al
    Artemisinin derivative-containing therapies and abnormal hemoglobin: Do we need to adapt the treatment?
    Parasite. 2021;28:67.
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  9. FARAG EABA, Bansal D, Mardini K, Sultan AA, et al
    Identification and characterisation of mosquitoes from different locations in Qatar in 2017-2019.
    Parasite. 2021;28:84.
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