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Articles published in
    April 2024
  1. ZHU C, Pang S, Liu J, Duan Q, et al
    Current Progress, Challenges and Prospects in the Development of COVID-19 Vaccines.
    Drugs. 2024;84:403-423.
    >> Share

    February 2024
  2. SCHIMMEL J, Epperson LC, Aldy K, Wax P, et al
    Remdesivir Discontinuation Decisions Based on Thresholds of Aminotransferase in an Observational Registry.
    Drugs. 2024;84:209-217.
    >> Share

    September 2023
    Remdesivir: A Review in COVID-19.
    Drugs. 2023;83:1215-1237.
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    June 2023
  4. POLAK TB, Cucchi DGJ, Schelhaas J, Ahmed SS, et al
    Results from Expanded Access Programs: A Review of Academic Literature.
    Drugs. 2023;83:795-805.
    >> Share

    May 2023
  5. CHEN TY, Wang SI, Hung YM, Hartman JJ, et al
    Recent Human Papillomavirus Vaccination is Associated with a Lower Risk of COVID-19: A US Database Cohort Study.
    Drugs. 2023;83:621-632.
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    February 2023
  6. KEAM SJ
    Nirsevimab: First Approval.
    Drugs. 2023;83:181-187.
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  7. XIE J, Brash JT, Turkmen C, Driessen S, et al
    Risk of COVID-19 Diagnosis and Hospitalisation in Patients with Osteoarthritis or Back Pain Treated with Ibuprofen Compared to Other NSAIDs or Paracetamol: A Network Cohort Study.
    Drugs. 2023;83:249-263.
    >> Share

    January 2023
  8. PLOCQUE A, Mitri C, Lefevre C, Tabary O, et al
    Should We Interfere with the Interleukin-6 Receptor During COVID-19: What Do We Know So Far?
    Drugs. 2023;83:1-36.
    >> Share

    August 2022
  9. HOY SM
    Amubarvimab/Romlusevimab: First Approval.
    Drugs. 2022;82:1327-1331.
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    July 2022
    Desidustat: First Approval.
    Drugs. 2022;82:1207-1212.
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    June 2022
  11. KEAM SJ
    Tixagevimab + Cilgavimab: First Approval.
    Drugs. 2022;82:1001-1010.
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  12. KOUFAKIS T, Mustafa OG, Ajjan RA, Garcia-Moll X, et al
    From Skepticism to Hope: The Evolving Concept of the Initiation and Use of Sodium-Glucose Cotransporter 2 Inhibitors in Hospitalized Patients.
    Drugs. 2022;82:949-955.
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    March 2022
  13. LAMB YN
    Nirmatrelvir Plus Ritonavir: First Approval.
    Drugs. 2022 Mar 19. pii: 10.1007/s40265-022-01692.
    >> Share

  14. HEO YA
    Sotrovimab: First Approval.
    Drugs. 2022;82:477-484.
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  15. SYED YY
    Molnupiravir: First Approval.
    Drugs. 2022;82:455-460.
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    February 2022
  16. MAZZA MG, Vai B, De Picker L, Benedetti F, et al
    Comment on: "Fluvoxamine for the Early Treatment of SARS-CoV-2 Infection: A Review of Current Evidence".
    Drugs. 2022;82:349-351.
    >> Share

  17. LENZE EJ, Reiersen AM, Facente SN
    Authors' Reply to Mazza et al.: "Fluvoxamine for the Early Treatment of SARSCoV2 Infection: A Review of Current Evidence".
    Drugs. 2022;82:353-354.
    >> Share

    January 2022
  18. RIZK JG, Wenziger C, Tran D, Hashemi L, et al
    Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Inhibitor and Angiotensin Receptor Blocker Use Associated with Reduced Mortality and Other Disease Outcomes in US Veterans with COVID-19.
    Drugs. 2022;82:43-54.
    >> Share

    December 2021
  19. FACENTE SN, Reiersen AM, Lenze EJ, Boulware DR, et al
    Fluvoxamine for the Early Treatment of SARS-CoV-2 Infection: A Review of Current Evidence.
    Drugs. 2021;81:2081-2089.
    >> Share

  20. SYED YY
    Regdanvimab: First Approval.
    Drugs. 2021;81:2133-2137.
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    November 2021
  21. DEEKS ED
    Casirivimab/Imdevimab: First Approval.
    Drugs. 2021;81:2047-2055.
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    September 2021
  22. AHMED N, Pezacki JP
    Reply to Zhang and Zhu "MicroRNA Mimics or Inhibitors as Antiviral Therapeutic Approaches Against COVID-19".
    Drugs. 2021;81:1693-1695.
    >> Share

  23. ZHANG S, Zhu F
    Comment on: "MicroRNA Mimics or Inhibitors as Antiviral Therapeutic Approaches Against COVID-19".
    Drugs. 2021;81:1691-1692.
    >> Share

    July 2021
  24. ROE MT, Patrick-Lake B, von Eschenbach AC
    Post-COVID-19 Syndrome: Leveraging the Patient Perspective and Technological Innovations to Enable the Delineation of Effective Treatments.
    Drugs. 2021;81:1235-1237.
    >> Share

    June 2021
  25. VUORIO A, Kovanen PT
    Comment on: "Prior Treatment with Statins is Associated with Improved Outcomes of Patients with COVID-19: Data from the SEMI-COVID-19 Registry".
    Drugs. 2021;81:1125-1127.
    >> Share

    April 2021
  26. HEO YA
    Voclosporin: First Approval.
    Drugs. 2021;81:605-610.
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  27. HUM C, Loiselle J, Ahmed N, Shaw TA, et al
    MicroRNA Mimics or Inhibitors as Antiviral Therapeutic Approaches Against COVID-19.
    Drugs. 2021;81:517-531.
    >> Share

  28. TORRES-PENA JD, Perez-Belmonte LM, Fuentes-Jimenez F, Lopez Carmona MD, et al
    Prior Treatment with Statins is Associated with Improved Outcomes of Patients with COVID-19: Data from the SEMI-COVID-19 Registry.
    Drugs. 2021;81:685-695.
    >> Share

    March 2021
  29. LAMB YN
    BNT162b2 mRNA COVID-19 Vaccine: First Approval.
    Drugs. 2021;81:495-501.
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    December 2020
  30. LIN KJ, Schneeweiss S, Tesfaye H, D'Andrea E, et al
    Pharmacotherapy for Hospitalized Patients with COVID-19: Treatment Patterns by Disease Severity.
    Drugs. 2020;80:1961-1972.
    >> Share

    October 2020
  31. CANTINI F, Goletti D, Petrone L, Najafi Fard S, et al
    Immune Therapy, or Antiviral Therapy, or Both for COVID-19: A Systematic Review.
    Drugs. 2020 Oct 17. pii: 10.1007/s40265-020-01421.
    >> Share

  32. HAJRA A, Mathai SV, Ball S, Bandyopadhyay D, et al
    Management of Thrombotic Complications in COVID-19: An Update.
    Drugs. 2020;80:1553-1562.
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    September 2020
  33. VRACHATIS DA, Giotaki SG, Giannopoulos G, Deftereos S, et al
    Comment on: "Pharmaco-Immunomodulatory Therapy in COVID-19".
    Drugs. 2020;80:1499-1500.
    >> Share

  34. RIZK JG, Kalantar-Zadeh K, Mehra MR, Lavie CJ, et al
    Authors' Reply to Vrachatis et al. "Pharmaco-Immunomodulatory Therapy I COVID-19".
    Drugs. 2020;80:1501-1503.
    >> Share

  35. BIANCONI V, Violi F, Fallarino F, Pignatelli P, et al
    Is Acetylsalicylic Acid a Safe and Potentially Useful Choice for Adult Patients with COVID-19 ?
    Drugs. 2020;80:1383-1396.
    >> Share

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