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Articles published in
J Pediatr
    July 2024
  1. HARNOIS-LEBLANC S, McNealis V, Friedrich MG, Bigras JL, et al
    Role of Physical Activity and Sedentary Behaviors on Vascular and Myocardial Structure and Function in Type 1 Diabetes.
    J Pediatr. 2024 Jul 15:114196. doi: 10.1016/j.jpeds.2024.114196.
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    April 2024
  2. GERHOLD K, Al-Azazi S, El-Matary W, Katz LY, et al
    Healthcare Utilization and Direct Costs Prior to Subspecialty Care in Children with Chronic Pain Compared with Other Chronic Childhood Diseases: A Cohort Study.
    J Pediatr. 2024 Apr 4:114046. doi: 10.1016/j.jpeds.2024.114046.
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    July 2023
  3. SMITH A, Franklin Mrcpch O, McCallion N, Breathnach F, et al
    Assessment of Myocardial Function in Infants of Mothers with Gestational Diabetes Mellitus using Deformation Imaging over the First Year of Age.
    J Pediatr. 2023 Jul 28:113645. doi: 10.1016/j.jpeds.2023.113645.
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    June 2023
  4. ALBERT M, Maruani A, Leducq S
    Clinical Manifestations and Management of Pediatric Granuloma Annulare: A Systematic Review.
    J Pediatr. 2023;257:113392.
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    March 2023
  5. HENEGHAN JA, Goodman DM, Ramgopal S
    Hospitalizations at United States Children's Hospitals and Severity of Illness by Neighborhood Child Opportunity Index.
    J Pediatr. 2023;254:83-90.
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    September 2022
  6. BARRETT CE, Zhou X, Mendez I, Park J, et al
    Prevalence of mental, behavioral, and developmental disorders among children and adolescents with diabetes, United States (2016-2019).
    J Pediatr. 2022 Sep 13. pii: S0022-3476(22)00809.
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  7. GLASER NS, Myers SR, Nigrovic LE, Stoner MJ, et al
    Pyuria in Children with Diabetic Ketoacidosis.
    J Pediatr. 2022 Sep 6. pii: S0022-3476(22)00790.
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    August 2022
  8. MAGGE SN, Wolf RM, Pyle L, Brown EA, et al
    The COVID-19 pandemic is associated with a substantial rise in frequency and severity of presentation of youth-onset type 2 diabetes.
    J Pediatr. 2022 Aug 16. pii: S0022-3476(22)00719.
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  9. GLASER NS, Quayle KS, McManemy JK, Nigrovic LE, et al
    Clinical Characteristics of Children with Cerebral Injury Preceding Treatment of Diabetic Ketoacidosis.
    J Pediatr. 2022 Aug 6. pii: S0022-3476(22)00699.
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    June 2022
  10. SRINIVASAN S, Todd J
    The genetics of type 2 diabetes in youth: Where we are and the road ahead.
    J Pediatr. 2022 Jun 1. pii: S0022-3476(22)00514.
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  11. CAMPBELL JI, Dubois MM, Savage TJ, Hood-Pishchany MI, et al
    Comorbidities Associated with Hospitalization and Progression Among Adolescents with Symptomatic Coronavirus Disease 2019.
    J Pediatr. 2022;245:102-110.
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    May 2022
  12. WESSELS M, Velthuis A, van Lochem E, Duijndam E, et al
    Corrigendum to Raising the Cut-Off Level of Anti-Tissue Transglutaminase Antibodies to Detect Celiac Disease Reduces the Number of Small Bowel Biopsies in Children with Type 1 Diabetes: A Retrospective Study. The Journal of Pediatrics Volume 223, Augu
    J Pediatr. 2022 May 20. pii: S0022-3476(22)00387.
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  13. WHITE M, Manski-Nankervis JA
    Delayed referral and DKA in new-onset Type 1 diabetes.
    J Pediatr. 2022;244:250-254.
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    March 2022
  14. CAVALLO L, Kovar EM, Aqul A, McLoughlin L, et al
    The Epidemiology of Biliary Atresia: Exploring the Role of Developmental Factors on Birth Prevalence.
    J Pediatr. 2022 Mar 29. pii: S0022-3476(22)00288.
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    January 2022
  15. ABULEBDA K, Whitfill T, Mustafa M, Montgomery EE, et al
    Improving Pediatric Readiness and Clinical Care in General Emergency Departments: A Multicenter Retrospective Cohort Study.
    J Pediatr. 2022;240:241-248.
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    December 2021
  16. BAMPTON TJ, Couper RTL, Khurana S, Moore DJ, et al
    The Epidemiology and Burden of Childhood Chronic Pancreatitis in South Australia.
    J Pediatr. 2021 Dec 2. pii: S0022-3476(21)01166.
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