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Dental Implants

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Articles published in
J Periodontol
    October 2024
  1. VILELA N, Gurgel BCV, Bruzos C, Duarte WR, et al
    Preloading peri-implant crestal bone loss: A retrospective study of incidence and related factors.
    J Periodontol. 2024;95:963-976.
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  2. QIAN SJ, Tsai YW, Koutouzis T, Lai HC, et al
    Impact of surface chemical treatment in surgical regenerative treatment of ligature-induced peri-implantitis: A canine study.
    J Periodontol. 2024;95:991-1001.
    >> Share

  3. ALPASLAN NZ, Altindal D, Akbal D, Talmac AC, et al
    Evaluation of the effect of Er,Cr:YSGG laser application on peri-implant crevicular fluid receptor activator of nuclear factor-kappa B ligand and osteoprotegerin levels in the non-surgical treatment of peri-implantitis: A randomized clinical trial.
    J Periodontol. 2024;95:917-928.
    >> Share

    September 2024
  4. RAKIC M, Tatic Z, Radovanovic S, Petkovic-Curcin A, et al
    Resolution of peri-implant mucositis following standard treatment: A prospective split-mouth study.
    J Periodontol. 2024;95:842-852.
    >> Share

    August 2024
  5. CLEM DS, McClain PK, McGuire MK, Richardson CR, et al
    Harvest graft substitute for soft tissue volume augmentation around existing implants: A randomized, controlled and blinded multicenter trial.
    J Periodontol. 2024;95:740-748.
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    July 2024
  6. KIM CM, Lee JB, Um HS, Lee JK, et al
    Risk factors for the failure of re-implanted dental implants: A 20-year retrospective study.
    J Periodontol. 2024 Jul 31. doi: 10.1002/JPER.24-0198.
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    June 2024
  7. ORLANDI M, Pranno N, Patel V, Papi P, et al
    Peri-implant diseases and systemic inflammation: A preliminary analysis from a cross-sectional survey of patients with hypertension.
    J Periodontol. 2024;95:525-534.
    >> Share

  8. APAZA-BEDOYA K, Galarraga-Vinueza ME, Correa BB, Schwarz F, et al
    Prevalence, risk indicators, and clinical characteristics of peri-implant mucositis and peri-implantitis for an internal conical connection implant system: A multicenter cross-sectional study.
    J Periodontol. 2024;95:582-593.
    >> Share

    May 2024
  9. CHEN HH, Lin GH, Kao RT, Yeh YT, et al
    Survival rate of teeth adjacent and nonadjacent to dental implants: A retrospective cohort study.
    J Periodontol. 2024 May 14. doi: 10.1002/JPER.23-0739.
    >> Share

    March 2024
  10. SINJAB K, Sawant S, Ou A, Fenno JC, et al
    Impact of surface characteristics on the peri-implant microbiome in health and disease.
    J Periodontol. 2024;95:244-255.
    >> Share

  11. CAI R, Liu Y, Wang X, Wei H, et al
    Influences of standardized clinical probing on peri-implant soft tissue seal in a situation of peri-implant mucositis: A histomorphometric study in dogs.
    J Periodontol. 2024;95:233-243.
    >> Share

    January 2024
  12. LEONE FD, Blasi G, Amerio E, Valles C, et al
    Influence of the level of compliance with preventive maintenance therapy upon the prevalence of peri-implant diseases.
    J Periodontol. 2024;95:40-49.
    >> Share

    December 2023
  13. SHAH B, Dukka H, Alhachache S, Hill M, et al
    Analysis of risk factors for early crestal bone loss in osseointegrated, submerged implants prior to restoration.
    J Periodontol. 2023;94:1405-1413.
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  14. MARINI L, Tomasi C, Gianserra R, Graziani F, et al
    Reliability assessment of the 2018 classification case definitions of peri-implant health, peri-implant mucositis, and peri-implantitis.
    J Periodontol. 2023;94:1461-1474.
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    November 2023
  15. COUSO-QUEIRUGA E, Raabe C, Belser UC, Buser D, et al
    Non-invasive assessment of peri-implant mucosal thickness: A cross-sectional study.
    J Periodontol. 2023;94:1315-1323.
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    September 2023
  16. DAUBERT D, Lee E, Botto A, Eftekhar M, et al
    Assessment of titanium release following non-surgical peri-implantitis treatment: A randomized clinical trial.
    J Periodontol. 2023;94:1122-1132.
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    August 2023
  17. TAVELLI L, Yu N, Mancini L, Barootchi S, et al
    Keratinized mucosa width assessment at implant sites using high-frequency ultrasonography.
    J Periodontol. 2023;94:956-966.
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  18. KO YC, Lee J, Lee D, Seol YJ, et al
    Progression of experimental peri-implantitis in guided bone regeneration and pristine bone: A preclinical in vivo study.
    J Periodontol. 2023;94:1032-1044.
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  19. PRAJAPATI S, Ninneman S, Zarrabi I, Daubert D, et al
    Risk factors and longitudinal regenerative outcomes of sinus membrane perforation during lateral window sinus floor elevation: A retrospective analysis up to 9 years.
    J Periodontol. 2023;94:1045-1054.
    >> Share

    July 2023
  20. HALSTENBACH T, Nelson K, Iglhaut G, Schilling O, et al
    Impact of peri-implantitis on the proteome biology of crevicular fluid: A pilot study.
    J Periodontol. 2023;94:835-847.
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    June 2023
  21. RAVIDA A, Samal A, Qazi M, Webber LP, et al
    Interproximal implant thread exposure after initial bone remodeling as a risk indicator for peri-implantitis.
    J Periodontol. 2023;94:751-764.
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    March 2023
  22. MONJE A, Pons R, Vilarrasa J, Nart J, et al
    Significance of barrier membrane on the reconstructive therapy of peri-implantitis: A randomized controlled trial.
    J Periodontol. 2023;94:323-335.
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  23. ASSERY N, Alomeir N, Zeng Y, Xiao J, et al
    The effect of Er:YAG laser treatment on biofilm formation on titanium and zirconia disc surfaces.
    J Periodontol. 2023;94:344-353.
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    February 2023
  24. KWOK V, Caton JG, Hart ID, Kim TS, et al
    Dental implant prognostication: A commentary.
    J Periodontol. 2023 Feb 5. doi: 10.1002/JPER.22-0196.
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  25. KOTSAILIDI EA, Gagnon C, Johnson L, Basir AB, et al
    Association of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor use with marginal bone level changes around Osseointegrated dental implants. A retrospective study.
    J Periodontol. 2023 Feb 4. doi: 10.1002/JPER.22-0690.
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  26. BASMA HS, Saleh MHA, Geurs NC, Li P, et al
    The effect of bone particle size on the histomorphometric and clinical outcomes following lateral ridge augmentation procedures: A randomized double-blinded controlled trial.
    J Periodontol. 2023;94:163-173.
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  27. THOMA DS, Gasser TJW, Hammerle CHF, Strauss FJ, et al
    Soft tissue augmentation with a volume-stable collagen matrix or an autogenous connective tissue graft at implant sites: Five-year results of a randomized controlled trial post implant loading.
    J Periodontol. 2023;94:230-243.
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    January 2023
  28. LIN CY, Kuo PY, Chiu MY, Wang HL, et al
    Depth of mucosal tunnel in peri-implant health during 12-month follow-up in patients with controlled periodontitis.
    J Periodontol. 2023;94:66-76.
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    November 2022
  29. TSAI YL, Tsao JP, Wang CL, Grodin E, et al
    Stability of contour augmentation of implant-supported single crowns in the esthetic zone: One-year cone-beam computed tomography results of a comparative, randomized, prospective, two-center clinical study using two different bone grafting techniques
    J Periodontol. 2022;93:1661-1670.
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  30. TICHA P, Pilawski I, Helms JA
    Multiscale analysis of craniomaxillofacial bone repair: A preclinical mini-pig study.
    J Periodontol. 2022;93:1701-1711.
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    October 2022
  31. LEE CT, Alfred P, Tran D, James J, et al
    A long-term retrospective analysis of single tooth implants and endodontic therapies in a university setting.
    J Periodontol. 2022;93:1510-1524.
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    September 2022
  32. RODRIGUEZ MV, Ravida A, Saleh MHA, Basma HS, et al
    Is the degree of physiological bone remodeling a predictive factor for peri-implantitis?
    J Periodontol. 2022;93:1273-1282.
    >> Share

    August 2022
  33. WEN SC, Barootchi S, Wang HL, Huang WX, et al
    Non-submerged reconstructive approach for peri-implantitis osseous defect with removal of implant crowns: One-year outcomes of a prospective case series study.
    J Periodontol. 2022;93:1250-1261.
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    June 2022
  34. TOLEDANO-SERRABONA J, Camps-Font O, de Moraes DP, Corte-Rodriguez M, et al
    Ion release and local effects of titanium metal particles from dental implants. An experimental study in rats.
    J Periodontol. 2022 Jun 9. doi: 10.1002/JPER.22-0091.
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  35. GANESAN SM, Dabdoub SM, Nagaraja HN, Mariotti AJ, et al
    Biome-microbiome interactions in peri-implantitis: A pilot investigation.
    J Periodontol. 2022;93:814-823.
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  36. WANG IC, Sugai JV, Majzoub J, Johnston J, et al
    Pro-inflammatory profiles in cardiovascular disease patients with peri-implantitis.
    J Periodontol. 2022;93:824-836.
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  37. TAVELLI L, Barootchi S, Majzoub J, Chan HL, et al
    Prevalence and risk indicators of midfacial peri-implant soft tissue dehiscence at single site in the esthetic zone: A cross-sectional clinical and ultrasonographic study.
    J Periodontol. 2022;93:857-866.
    >> Share

  38. SUGITA R, Jones AA, Kotsakis GA, Cochran DL, et al
    Radiographic evaluation of a novel bone adhesive for maintenance of crestal bone around implants in canine oversized osteotomies.
    J Periodontol. 2022;93:924-932.
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    May 2022
  39. LATIMER JM, Roll KL, Daubert DM, Zhang H, et al
    Clinical performance of hydrophilic, titanium-zirconium dental implants in patients with well-controlled and poorly controlled type 2 diabetes: One-year results of a dual-center cohort study.
    J Periodontol. 2022;93:745-757.
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  40. WANG IC, Ou A, Johnston J, Giannobile WV, et al
    Association between peri-implantitis and cardiovascular diseases: A case-control study.
    J Periodontol. 2022;93:633-643.
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  41. BEN-ZVI Y, Rosenfeld E, Masri D, Avishai G, et al
    Factors affecting the decision to rehabilitate the posterior maxilla following surgical closure of oroantral communications/fistulae - A cohort study.
    J Periodontol. 2022;93:656-661.
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    April 2022
  42. POLYMERI A, Loos BG, Aronovich S, Steigmann L, et al
    Risk factors, diagnosis, and treatment of peri-implantitis: A cross-cultural comparison of U.S. and European periodontists' considerations.
    J Periodontol. 2022;93:481-492.
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    February 2022
  43. WEN SC, Barootchi S, Huang WX, Wang HL, et al
    Surgical reconstructive treatment for infraosseous peri-implantitis defects with a submerged healing approach: A prospective controlled study.
    J Periodontol. 2022;93:195-207.
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    January 2022
  44. KAO RT, Lin GH, Kapila Y, Sadowsky S, et al
    A commentary on strategic extraction.
    J Periodontol. 2022;93:11-19.
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  45. POLAK D, Shani-Kdoshim S, Alias M, Shapira L, et al
    The in vitro efficacy of biofilm removal from titanium surfaces using Er:YAG laser: Comparison of treatment protocols and ablation parameters.
    J Periodontol. 2022;93:100-109.
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  46. MONJE A, Perez A, Vera-Rodriguez M, Nart J, et al
    Comprehension and recall of information about factors associated with peri-implantitis: A randomized controlled trial.
    J Periodontol. 2022;93:89-99.
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  47. MONJE A, Pons R, Amerio E, Wang HL, et al
    Resolution of peri-implantitis by means of implantoplasty as adjunct to surgical therapy: A retrospective study.
    J Periodontol. 2022;93:110-122.
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    December 2021
  48. MATHUR A, Kharbanda OP, Koul V, Dinda AK, et al
    Fabrication and evaluation of antimicrobial biomimetic nanofibre coating for improved dental implant bio-seal: An in vitro study.
    J Periodontol. 2021 Dec 2. doi: 10.1002/JPER.21-0255.
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  49. GHARPURE AS, Latimer JM, Aljofi FE, Kahng JH, et al
    Role of thin gingival phenotype and inadequate keratinized mucosa width (<2 mm) as risk indicators for peri-implantitis and peri-implant mucositis.
    J Periodontol. 2021;92:1687-1696.
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  50. ALARCON MA, Sanz-Sanchez I, Lopez-Pacheco A, Tavelli L, et al
    Ibero-Panamerican Federation of Periodontics Delphi study on the trends in diagnosis and treatment of peri-implant diseases and conditions: A Latin American consensus.
    J Periodontol. 2021;92:1697-1718.
    >> Share

  51. DUKKA H, Saleh MHA, Ravida A, Greenwell H, et al
    Is bleeding on probing a reliable clinical indicator of peri-implant diseases?
    J Periodontol. 2021;92:1669-1674.
    >> Share

  52. SLAGTER KW, Meijer HJA, Hentenaar DFM, Vissink A, et al
    Immediate single-tooth implant placement with simultaneous bone augmentation versus delayed implant placement after alveolar ridge preservation in bony defect sites in the esthetic region: A 5-year randomized controlled trial.
    J Periodontol. 2021;92:1738-1748.
    >> Share

  53. KINAIA BM, Kazerani S, Korkis S, Masabni OM, et al
    Effect of guided bone regeneration on immediately placed implants: Meta-analyses with at least 12 months follow-up after functional loading.
    J Periodontol. 2021;92:1749-1760.
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    November 2021
  54. RAVIDA A, Rodriguez MV, Saleh MHA, Galli M, et al
    The correlation between history of periodontitis according to staging and grading and the prevalence/severity of peri-implantitis in patients enrolled in maintenance therapy.
    J Periodontol. 2021;92:1522-1535.
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    September 2021
  55. BUSHAHRI A, Kripfgans OD, George F, Wang IC, et al
    Facial mucosal level of single immediately placed implants with either immediate provisionalization or delayed restoration: An intermediate-term study.
    J Periodontol. 2021;92:1213-1221.
    >> Share

  56. VILARRASA J, Pena M, Gumbau L, Monje A, et al
    Exploring the relationship among dental caries, nutritional habits, and peri-implantitis.
    J Periodontol. 2021;92:1306-1316.
    >> Share

  57. SHIMCHUK AA, Weinstein BF, Daubert DM
    The impact of a change in classification criteria on the prevalence of peri-implantitis: A cross-sectional analysis.
    J Periodontol. 2021;92:1339-1346.
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    August 2021
  58. TONON CC, Panariello BHD, Spolidorio DMP, Gossweiler AG, et al
    Antibiofilm effect of ozonized physiological saline solution on peri-implant-related biofilm.
    J Periodontol. 2021;92:1151-1162.
    >> Share

  59. KISSA J, El Kholti W, Chemlali S, Kawtari H, et al
    Prevalence and risk indicators of peri-implant diseases in a group of Moroccan patients.
    J Periodontol. 2021;92:1096-1106.
    >> Share

  60. STACCHI C, Troiano G, Rapani A, Lombardi T, et al
    Factors influencing the prevalence of peri-implantitis in implants inserted in augmented maxillary sinuses: A multicenter cross-sectional study.
    J Periodontol. 2021;92:1117-1125.
    >> Share

    July 2021
  61. GAMBORENA I, Avila-Ortiz G
    Peri-implant marginal mucosa defects: Classification and clinical management.
    J Periodontol. 2021;92:947-957.
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    June 2021
  62. CHAPARRO A, Atria P, Realini O, Monteiro LJ, et al
    Diagnostic potential of peri-implant crevicular fluid microRNA-21-3p and microRNA-150-5p and extracellular vesicles in peri-implant diseases.
    J Periodontol. 2021;92:11-21.
    >> Share

  63. GARAICOA-PAZMINO C, Mendonca G, Ou A, Chan HL, et al
    Impact of mucosal phenotype on marginal bone levels around tissue level implants: A prospective controlled trial.
    J Periodontol. 2021;92:771-783.
    >> Share

  64. PAPI P, Penna D, Di Murro B, Pompa G, et al
    Clinical and volumetric analysis of peri-implant soft tissue augmentation using an acellular dermal matrix: A prospective cohort study.
    J Periodontol. 2021;92:803-813.
    >> Share

    May 2021
  65. COYAC BR, Salvi G, Leahy B, Li Z, et al
    A novel system exploits bone debris for implant osseointegration.
    J Periodontol. 2021;92:716-726.
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    April 2021
  66. ZUIDERVELD EG, van Nimwegen WG, Meijer HJA, Jung RE, et al
    Effect of connective tissue grafting on buccal bone changes based on cone beam computed tomography scans in the esthetic zone of single immediate implants: A 1-year randomized controlled trial.
    J Periodontol. 2021;92:553-561.
    >> Share

  67. MAJZOUB J, Chen Z, Saleh I, Askar H, et al
    Influence of restorative design on the progression of peri-implant bone loss: A retrospective study.
    J Periodontol. 2021;92:536-546.
    >> Share

  68. DOMIC D, Bertl K, Ahmad S, Schropp L, et al
    Accuracy of cone-beam computed tomography is limited at implant sites with a thin buccal bone: A laboratory study.
    J Periodontol. 2021;92:592-601.
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  69. KOTSAKIS GA, Black R, Kum J, Berbel L, et al
    Effect of implant cleaning on titanium particle dissolution and cytocompatibility.
    J Periodontol. 2021;92:580-591.
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  70. FRETWURST T, Muller J, Larsson L, Bronsert P, et al
    Immunohistological composition of peri-implantitis affected tissue around ceramic implants-A pilot study.
    J Periodontol. 2021;92:571-579.
    >> Share

    March 2021
  71. ALMOHARIB HS, Steffensen B, Zoukhri D, Finkelman M, et al
    Efficacy of an Er:YAG laser in the decontamination of dental implant surfaces: an in vitro study.
    J Periodontol. 2021 Mar 9. doi: 10.1002/JPER.20-0765.
    >> Share

  72. PARVINI P, Galarraga-Vinueza ME, Obreja K, Magini RS, et al
    Prospective study assessing three-dimensional changes of mucosal healing following soft tissue augmentation using free gingival grafts.
    J Periodontol. 2021;92:400-408.
    >> Share

  73. CHAUSHU L, Tal H, Sculean A, Fernandez-Tome B, et al
    Effects of peri-implant infection on serum biochemical analysis.
    J Periodontol. 2021;92:436-445.
    >> Share

  74. PONS R, Nart J, Valles C, Salvi GE, et al
    Self-administered proximal implant-supported hygiene measures and the association to peri-implant conditions.
    J Periodontol. 2021;92:389-399.
    >> Share

  75. GONZALEZ-MARTIN O, Avila-Ortiz G
    The fate of the distal papilla around tooth-bound implant-supported restorations in maxillary central incisor sites.
    J Periodontol. 2021;92:336-342.
    >> Share

    February 2021
  76. KOFINA V, Demirer M, Erdal BS, Eubank TD, et al
    Bone grafting history affects soft tissue healing following implant placement.
    J Periodontol. 2021;92:234-243.
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  77. MONJE A, Vera M, Munoz-Sanz A, Wang HL, et al
    Suppuration as diagnostic criterium of peri-implantitis.
    J Periodontol. 2021;92:216-224.
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    Bone loss around implants-is it metallosis?
    J Periodontol. 2021;92:181-185.
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    January 2021
  79. TAVELLI L, Barootchi S, Avila-Ortiz G, Urban IA, et al
    Peri-implant soft tissue phenotype modification and its impact on peri-implant health: A systematic review and network meta-analysis.
    J Periodontol. 2021;92:21-44.
    >> Share

  80. SALEH MHA, Khurshid H, Travan S, Sinjab K, et al
    Incidence of retrograde peri-implantitis in sites with previous apical surgeries: A retrospective study.
    J Periodontol. 2021;92:54-61.
    >> Share

    December 2020
  81. CHENG GL, Leblebicioglu B, Li J, Chien HH, et al
    Soft tissue healing around platform-switching and platform-matching single implants: A randomized clinical trial.
    J Periodontol. 2020;91:1609-1620.
    >> Share

  82. RAVIDA A, Galli M, Siqueira R, Saleh MHA, et al
    Diagnosis of peri-implant status after peri-implantitis surgical treatment: Proposal of a new classification.
    J Periodontol. 2020;91:1553-1561.
    >> Share

  83. COYAC BR, Sun Q, Leahy B, Salvi G, et al
    Optimizing autologous bone contribution to implant osseointegration.
    J Periodontol. 2020;91:1632-1644.
    >> Share

    November 2020
  84. KNIHA K, Bock A, Peters F, Magnuska ZA, et al
    Microstructural volumetric analysis of the jaw following dental implantation under systemic bisphosphonate delivery: An in vivo and ex vivo rat study.
    J Periodontol. 2020 Nov 30. doi: 10.1002/JPER.20-0547.
    >> Share

    October 2020
  85. WANG Q, Lu H, Zhang L, Yan X, et al
    Peri-implant mucositis sites with suppuration have higher microbial risk than sites without suppuration.
    J Periodontol. 2020;91:1284-1294.
    >> Share

    September 2020
  86. GARGALLO-ALBIOL J, Tavelli L, Barootchi S, Monje A, et al
    Clinical sequelae and patients perception of dental implant removal: A cross-sectional study.
    J Periodontol. 2020 Sep 30. doi: 10.1002/JPER.20-0259.
    >> Share

  87. ALQAHTANI F, Alqhtani N, Alkhtani F, Devang Divakar D, et al
    Clinicoradiographic markers of peri-implantitis in cigarette-smokers and never-smokers with type 2 diabetes mellitus at 7-years follow-up.
    J Periodontol. 2020;91:1132-1138.
    >> Share

  88. BORGES T, Fernandes D, Almeida B, Pereira M, et al
    Correlation between alveolar bone morphology and volumetric dimensional changes in immediate maxillary implant placement: A 1-year prospective cohort study.
    J Periodontol. 2020;91:1167-1176.
    >> Share

  89. LIU W, Zhou L, Xue H, Li H, et al
    Growth differentiation factor 11 impairs titanium implant healing in the femur and leads to mandibular bone loss.
    J Periodontol. 2020;91:1203-1212.
    >> Share

  90. SHAHRAMIAN K, Gasik M, Kangasniemi I, Walboomers XF, et al
    Zirconia implants with improved attachment to the gingival tissue.
    J Periodontol. 2020;91:1213-1224.
    >> Share

    July 2020
  91. HAKAM AE, Vila G, Duarte PM, Mbadu MP, et al
    Effects of different antidepressant classes on dental implant failure: A retrospective clinical study.
    J Periodontol. 2020 Jul 29. doi: 10.1002/JPER.19-0714.
    >> Share

  92. WANG IC, Chan HL, Kinney J, Wang HL, et al
    Volumetric facial contour changes of immediately placed implants with and without immediate provisionalization.
    J Periodontol. 2020;91:906-916.
    >> Share

  93. GOLOB DEEB J, Farris E, Reichert A, Carrico CK, et al
    Effect of postoperative steroids on clinical outcomes and radiographic findings of horizontal alveolar ridge augmentation: A retrospective study.
    J Periodontol. 2020;91:917-924.
    >> Share

  94. RAKIC M, Monje A, Radovanovic S, Petkovic-Curcin A, et al
    Is the personalized approach the key to improve clinical diagnosis of peri-implant conditions? The role of bone markers.
    J Periodontol. 2020;91:859-869.
    >> Share

    June 2020
  95. QIAN W, Qiu J, Liu X
    Minocycline hydrochloride-loaded graphene oxide films on implant abutments for peri-implantitis treatment in beagle dogs.
    J Periodontol. 2020;91:792-799.
    >> Share

  96. SORIANO-LERMA A, Magan-Fernandez A, Gijon J, Sanchez-Fernandez E, et al
    Short-term effects of hyaluronic acid on the subgingival microbiome in peri-implantitis: A randomized controlled clinical trial.
    J Periodontol. 2020;91:734-745.
    >> Share

    March 2020
  97. AVILA-ORTIZ G, Gonzalez-Martin O, Couso-Queiruga E, Wang HL, et al
    The peri-implant phenotype.
    J Periodontol. 2020;91:283-288.
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  98. LIN GH, Curtis DA, Kapila Y, Velasquez D, et al
    The significance of surgically modifying soft tissue phenotype around fixed dental prostheses: An American Academy of Periodontology best evidence review.
    J Periodontol. 2020;91:339-351.
    >> Share

    February 2020
  99. KIM HJ, Yea S, Kim KH, Lee YM, et al
    A retrospective study of implants placed following 1-stage or 2-stage maxillary sinus floor augmentation by the lateral window technique performed on residual bone of <4 mm: Results up to 10 years of follow-up.
    J Periodontol. 2020;91:183-193.
    >> Share

  100. SONODA T, Yamamichi K, Harada T, Yamamichi N, et al
    Effect of staged crestal maxillary sinus augmentation: A case series.
    J Periodontol. 2020;91:194-201.
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    January 2020
  101. ZUCCHELLI G, Tavelli L, McGuire MK, Rasperini G, et al
    Autogenous soft tissue grafting for periodontal and peri-implant plastic surgical reconstruction.
    J Periodontol. 2020;91:9-16.
    >> Share

  102. MAMENO T, Wada M, Otsuki M, Okuno I, et al
    Risk indicators for marginal bone resorption around implants in function for at least 4 years: A retrospective longitudinal study.
    J Periodontol. 2020;91:37-45.
    >> Share

    November 2019
  103. DAVISON M, Lyardet L, Preliasco M, Yaful G, et al
    Aminobisphosphonate-treated ewes as a model of osteonecrosis of the jaw (ONJ) and of dental implant failure.
    J Periodontol. 2019 Nov 22. doi: 10.1002/JPER.19-0213.
    >> Share

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