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Contraception and Contraceptive Drugs

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Articles published in
Horm Behav
    July 2024
    Hormonal contraceptives and behavior: Updating the potent state of the nascent science.
    Horm Behav. 2024;164:105574.
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    June 2024
  2. GASSEN J, Mengelkoch S, Shanmugam D, Pearson JT, et al
    Longitudinal changes in sexual desire and attraction among women who started using the Natural Cycles app.
    Horm Behav. 2024;162:105546.
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  3. SCHLEIFENBAUM L, Stern J, Driebe JC, Wieczorek LL, et al
    Ovulatory cycle shifts in human motivational prioritisation of sex and food.
    Horm Behav. 2024;162:105542.
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    February 2024
  4. MCNEALY KR, Oevermann MW, Knabel ML, Fitzwater A, et al
    Repeated exposure to physiologically effective doses of contraceptive hormones ethinyl estradiol or levonorgestrel do not alter the reinforcing effects of a brief visual stimulus in ovary-intact rats.
    Horm Behav. 2024;161:105506.
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  5. VONDOEPP S, Mohammed Z, Dougherty R, Hilton-Vanosdall E, et al
    Levonorgestrel maintains goal-directed behavior in habit-trained intact female rats.
    Horm Behav. 2024;158:105468.
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    December 2023
  6. SCHUH KM, Ahmed J, Kwak E, Xu CX, et al
    A mouse model of oral contraceptive exposure: Depression, motivation, and the stress response.
    Horm Behav. 2023;158:105470.
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    November 2023
  7. DAVIGNON LM, Brouillard A, Juster RP, Marin MF, et al
    The role of sex hormones, oral contraceptive use, and its parameters on visuospatial abilities, verbal fluency, and verbal memory.
    Horm Behav. 2023;157:105454.
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    July 2022
  8. BOI L, Petralla S, Monti B, Talani G, et al
    Chronic treatment with hormonal contraceptives alters hippocampal BDNF and histone H3 post-translational modifications but not learning and memory in female rats.
    Horm Behav. 2022;144:105218.
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    June 2022
  9. MASAMA C, Jarkas DA, Thaw E, Daneshmend AZB, et al
    Hormone contraceptive use in young women: Altered mood states, neuroendocrine and inflammatory biomarkers.
    Horm Behav. 2022;144:105229.
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    January 2021
  10. NEWELL AJ, Chung SH, Wagner CK
    Inhibition of progesterone receptor activity during development increases reelin-immunoreactivity in Cajal-Retzius cells, alters synaptic innervation in neonatal dentate gyrus, and impairs episodic-like memory in adulthood.
    Horm Behav. 2021;127:104887.
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