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Contraception and Contraceptive Drugs

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Articles published in
PLoS Med
    April 2023
  1. HENSEN B, Floyd S, Phiri MM, Schaap A, et al
    The impact of community-based, peer-led sexual and reproductive health services on knowledge of HIV status among adolescents and young people aged 15 to 24 in Lusaka, Zambia: The Yathu Yathu cluster-randomised trial.
    PLoS Med. 2023;20:e1004203.
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    March 2023
  2. FITZPATRICK D, Pirie K, Reeves G, Green J, et al
    Combined and progestagen-only hormonal contraceptives and breast cancer risk: A UK nested case-control study and meta-analysis.
    PLoS Med. 2023;20:e1004188.
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    September 2022
  3. TAPSOBA JD, Cover J, Obong'o C, Brady M, et al
    Continued attendance in a PrEP program despite low adherence and non-protective drug levels among adolescent girls and young women in Kenya: Results from a prospective cohort study.
    PLoS Med. 2022;19:e1004097.
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    January 2022
  4. RICHARDS NK, Morley CP, Wojtowycz MA, Bevec E, et al
    Use of open-text responses to recode categorical survey data on postpartum contraception use among women in the United States: A mixed-methods inquiry of Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System data.
    PLoS Med. 2022;19:e1003878.
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