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Critical and Intensive Care

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1 Anaesth Intensive Care
3 Br J Anaesth
1 Crit Care
2 Intensive Care Med
1 Nurs Crit Care
1 PLoS One

    Anaesth Intensive Care

  1. SMAISIM N, Rijsdijk M, van der Does Y, Slooter AJ, et al
    Pain and psychopathology after intensive care unit admission.
    Anaesth Intensive Care. 2024 Jun 16:310057X241226716.
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    Br J Anaesth

  2. FRIES D, Gratz J, Asmis L, Groene P, et al
    Clinical practice, research, and collaboration with industry: impact of the discontinuation of a critical device.
    Br J Anaesth. 2024;133:235-236.
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  3. VAIL EA, Ackland GL
    The BJA Editorial Fellowship 2024: a barometer for the state of academic anaesthesiology, perioperative, pain, and critical care medicine.
    Br J Anaesth. 2024 May 13:S0007-0912(24)00210-1. doi: 10.1016/j.bja.2024.
    >> Share

  4. MURALI M, Ni M, Karbing DS, Rees SE, et al
    Clinical practice, decision-making, and use of clinical decision support systems in invasive mechanical ventilation: a narrative review.
    Br J Anaesth. 2024;133:164-177.
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    Crit Care

  5. LANDBECK A, Witt A, Marty Petit E, Aebischer E, et al
    What clinical practices for intensive care psychologists in France? A national survey.
    Crit Care. 2024;28:204.
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    Intensive Care Med

    ICU health literacy to registry-building: a roadmap for better intensive care delivery in low-middle income countries.
    Intensive Care Med. 2024 Jun 19. doi: 10.1007/s00134-024-07510.
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  7. SUNDARSINGH V, Gatty A, Kumar RM
    Post intensive care unit clinic effectiveness: addressing conclusion overreach and the essential role of physiotherapists.
    Intensive Care Med. 2024 Jun 17. doi: 10.1007/s00134-024-07512.
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    Nurs Crit Care

  8. JOO Y, Jang Y, Kwon OY
    Contents and effectiveness of patient- and family-centred care interventions in adult intensive care units: A systematic review.
    Nurs Crit Care. 2024 Jun 20. doi: 10.1111/nicc.13105.
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    PLoS One

  9. WILLIAMS CYK, Edinburgh T, Elbers PWG, Thoral PJ, et al
    Application of the Sepsis-3 criteria to describe sepsis epidemiology in the Amsterdam UMCdb intensive care dataset.
    PLoS One. 2024;19:e0304133.
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