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Critical and Intensive Care

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1 Acta Paediatr
1 Ann Intern Med
1 BMC Pediatr
1 Chest
3 Intensive Care Med
2 J Hosp Infect
1 Nurs Crit Care
1 PLoS One

    Acta Paediatr

  1. JASCHKE AC, Mitra S, Bos AF
    Music therapy in tertiary neonatal intensive care: A matter of unlikely allies?
    Acta Paediatr. 2024 May 22. doi: 10.1111/apa.17297.
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    Ann Intern Med

  2. AJZENBERG H, Binhashr MAN, Hewitt MK, Unger M, et al
    Critical Care: What You May Have Missed in 2023.
    Ann Intern Med. 2024 Apr 16. doi: 10.7326/M24-0565.
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    BMC Pediatr

  3. ZHANG R, Cui X, Zhang Y, Ma H, et al
    Whole-exome sequencing as the first-tier test for patients in neonatal intensive care unit: a Chinese single-center study.
    BMC Pediatr. 2024;24:351.
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  4. GERSHENGORN HB, Garland A, Costa DK, Dzierba AL, et al
    Intensive Care Unit Staffing in the United States.
    Chest. 2024 May 22:S0012-3692(24)00631-7. doi: 10.1016/j.chest.2024.
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    Intensive Care Med

  5. DE MAN AME, Gunst J, Reintam Blaser A
    Nutrition in the intensive care unit: from the acute phase to beyond.
    Intensive Care Med. 2024 May 21. doi: 10.1007/s00134-024-07458.
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  6. GUERET G, Lemoine S, Le Maguet P
    The choice of crystalloid type in the intensive care unit is likely more complex than expected: should doubt benefit the patient?
    Intensive Care Med. 2024 May 21. doi: 10.1007/s00134-024-07486.
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  7. ARABI YM, Belley-Cote E, Carsetti A, De Backer D, et al
    European Society of Intensive Care Medicine clinical practice guideline on fluid therapy in adult critically ill patients. Part 1: the choice of resuscitation fluids.
    Intensive Care Med. 2024 May 21. doi: 10.1007/s00134-024-07369.
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    J Hosp Infect

  8. PYBUS S, Inkster T
    Variation in design of neonatal intensive care units: the need for consensus.
    J Hosp Infect. 2024 May 22:S0195-6701(24)00179.
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  9. TOOROP MMA, Hoogendijk IV, Dogterom-Ballering HCM, Boers SA, et al
    Implications of Ad-Hoc Molecular Typing for Infection Control Measures in a Multi-cluster, Multi-phenotypic Serratia marcescens Outbreak in a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit.
    J Hosp Infect. 2024 May 21:S0195-6701(24)00172.
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    Nurs Crit Care

  10. WANG Z, Li W, Shui C, Xie Q, et al
    Predictive value of fluid balance before extubation on its outcome in mechanically ventilated adults in the intensive care unit.
    Nurs Crit Care. 2024 May 19. doi: 10.1111/nicc.13088.
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    PLoS One

  11. LIYANAGE I, Dassanayaka DARK, Chellapillai FMD, Liyanage E, et al
    Manual and ventilator hyperinflation parameters used by intensive care physiotherapists in Sri Lanka: An online survey.
    PLoS One. 2024;19:e0297880.
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