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Ischemic Heart Disease

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Articles published in
    December 2024
  1. WANDELL P, Li X, Carlsson AC, Sundquist J, et al
    Myocardial infarction in second-generation immigrants compared to native-born Swedes in the total population of Sweden.
    Atherosclerosis. 2024 Dec 26:119102. doi: 10.1016/j.atherosclerosis.2024.119102.
    >> Share

  2. KYHL LK, Nordestgaard BG, Tybjaerg-Hansen A, Smith GD, et al
    VLDL triglycerides and cholesterol in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and myocardial infarction.
    Atherosclerosis. 2024;401:119094.
    >> Share

  3. JUHASZ V, Charlier FT, Zhao TX, Tsiantoulas D, et al
    Targeting the adaptive immune continuum in atherosclerosis and post-MI injury.
    Atherosclerosis. 2024;399:118616.
    >> Share

  4. KATAOKA T, Morishita T, Uzui H, Sato Y, et al
    Very short-term effects of a single dose of a proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin 9 inhibitor before percutaneous coronary intervention: A single-arm study.
    Atherosclerosis. 2024;399:118581.
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    November 2024
  5. MENG Q, Zhao L, Zhao N, An Y, et al
    Progression of coronary artery calcium density and major adverse cardiovascular events.
    Atherosclerosis. 2024;398:118593.
    >> Share

  6. KLUNER LV, Chan K, Antoniades C
    Using artificial intelligence to study atherosclerosis from computed tomography imaging: A state-of-the-art review of the current literature.
    Atherosclerosis. 2024;398:117580.
    >> Share

    October 2024
  7. SIMONY SB, Langsted A, Mortensen MB, Nordestgaard BG, et al
    Statin use is associated with less ST-elevation versus non-ST-elevation myocardial infarction in a nationwide study.
    Atherosclerosis. 2024;399:118625.
    >> Share

  8. HAGAN K, Mszar R, Cainzos-Achirica M, Blaha MJ, et al
    Low-density lipoprotein-cholesterol and subclinical coronary atherosclerosis in a middle-aged asymptomatic U.S. population: The Miami Heart Study at Baptist Health South Florida.
    Atherosclerosis. 2024;397:118551.
    >> Share

  9. KILBO EDLUND K, Andersson EM, Asker C, Barregard L, et al
    Long-term ambient air pollution and coronary atherosclerosis: Results from the Swedish SCAPIS study.
    Atherosclerosis. 2024;397:117576.
    >> Share

  10. GUGLIELMO M, Penso M, Carerj ML, Giacari CM, et al
    DEep LearnIng-based QuaNtification of epicardial adipose tissue predicts MACE in patients undergoing stress CMR.
    Atherosclerosis. 2024;397:117549.
    >> Share

    September 2024
  11. ALDUJELI A, Tsai TY, Haq A, Tatarunas V, et al
    The association between trimethylamine N-oxide levels and coronary microvascular dysfunction and prognosis in patients with ST-elevation myocardial infarction.
    Atherosclerosis. 2024;398:118597.
    >> Share

  12. VALLEJO-VAZ AJ, Dharmayat KI, Nzeakor N, Carrasco CP, et al
    Recurrent cardiovascular and limb events in 294,428 patients with coronary or peripheral artery disease or ischemic stroke on antiplatelet monotherapy: The RESRISK cohort study.
    Atherosclerosis. 2024;398:118589.
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  13. QIU J, Fu Y, Tian T, Mao Y, et al
    Suppression of FOXC1 induces pyroptosis of the coronary artery through activation of JAK2.
    Atherosclerosis. 2024;396:118543.
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    August 2024
  14. EYRICH TM, Dalila N, Christoffersen M, Tybjaerg-Hansen A, et al
    Polygenic risk of high LDL cholesterol and ischemic heart disease in the general population.
    Atherosclerosis. 2024;397:118574.
    >> Share

  15. VOLLEBERG RHJA, Mol JQ, Belkacemi A, Hermanides RS, et al
    Sex differences in plaque characteristics of fractional flow reserve-negative non-culprit lesions after myocardial infarction.
    Atherosclerosis. 2024;397:118568.
    >> Share

  16. VAISAR T, Babenko I, Horvath KV, Niisuke K, et al
    Relationships between HDL subpopulation proteome and HDL function in overweight/obese people with and without coronary heart disease.
    Atherosclerosis. 2024;397:118565.
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  17. CHEN JX, Lu Q, Geng T, Wang Y, et al
    Differences in HDL-related coronary heart disease risk between individuals with and without diabetes.
    Atherosclerosis. 2024;397:118553.
    >> Share

  18. TRAMUJAS L, Nogueira A, Felix N, de Barros E Silva PGM, et al
    Association of colchicine use with cardiovascular and limb events in peripheral artery disease: Insights from a retrospective cohort study.
    Atherosclerosis. 2024 Aug 9:118563. doi: 10.1016/j.atherosclerosis.2024.118563.
    >> Share

  19. QI X, Zhang Y, Wang Y, Sun J, et al
    Prognostic value of serum immunoglobulin M levels in patients with acute coronary syndrome.
    Atherosclerosis. 2024;395:117552.
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  20. WENTZEL JJ, Bos D, White SJ, van der Heiden K, et al
    Sex-related differences in coronary and carotid vessel geometry, plaque composition and shear stress obtained from imaging.
    Atherosclerosis. 2024;395:117616.
    >> Share

  21. PATEL NH, Dave EK, Fatade YA, De Cecco CN, et al
    Epicardial adipose tissue attenuation on computed tomography in women with coronary microvascular dysfunction: A pilot, hypothesis generating study.
    Atherosclerosis. 2024;395:118520.
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  22. MIRANDA MARAVI JS, Leszczynski EC, Schwartz CS, Dev PK, et al
    Associations of an HDL apolipoproteomic index with cardiometabolic risk factors before and after exercise training in the HERITAGE Family Study.
    Atherosclerosis. 2024;395:117587.
    >> Share

  23. ZHANG J, Zhong Q, Lin Y, Zhang Y, et al
    Longitudinal albuminuria patterns predict coronary artery calcification progression: Findings from the Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young Adults study.
    Atherosclerosis. 2024;395:117574.
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    The SR-B1DeltaCT/LDLR KO mouse: A new tool to shed light on coronary artery disease.
    Atherosclerosis. 2024;395:117564.
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  25. HOSHINO M, Jukema RA, Pijls N, Hoek R, et al
    Microvascular resistance reserve before and after PCI: A serial FFR and [(15)O] H(2)O PET study.
    Atherosclerosis. 2024;395:117555.
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  26. PARK CH, Kim HW, Park JT, Chang TI, et al
    Association between progression of coronary artery calcification and development of kidney failure with replacement therapy: Findings from KNOW-CKD study.
    Atherosclerosis. 2024;395:117563.
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  27. MULLIS DM, Padilla-Lopez A, Wang H, Zhu Y, et al
    Stromal cell-derived factor-1 alpha improves cardiac function in a novel diet-induced coronary atherosclerosis model, the SR-B1DeltaCT/LDLR KO mouse.
    Atherosclerosis. 2024;395:117518.
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  28. OLIVEIRA-SANTOS M, Borges-Rosa J, Silva R, Paixao L, et al
    Rosuvastatin effect on atherosclerotic plaque metabolism: A subclinical atherosclerosis imaging study with (18)F-NaF PET-CT.
    Atherosclerosis. 2024;395:117481.
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    July 2024
  29. HUANG H, Liu J, Li Q, Qiao L, et al
    Relationship between stress hyperglycemia and worsening heart failure in patients with significant secondary mitral regurgitation.
    Atherosclerosis. 2024;394:117306.
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    June 2024
  30. BEN-SHABAT N, Krasun A, Fisher L, Patt YS, et al
    Anti-Ro and anti-La seropositivity is associated with increased rates of ischemic heart disease in adults: Results from a large population-based study.
    Atherosclerosis. 2024;396:117626.
    >> Share

  31. IBRAHIM S, Hartgers ML, Reeskamp LF, Zuurbier L, et al
    LDLR variant classification for improved cardiovascular risk prediction in familial hypercholesterolemia.
    Atherosclerosis. 2024 Jun 10:117610. doi: 10.1016/j.atherosclerosis.2024.117610.
    >> Share

  32. GAGNON E, Bourgault J, Gobeil E, Theriault S, et al
    Impact of loss-of-function in angiopoietin-like 4 on the human phenome.
    Atherosclerosis. 2024;393:117558.
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  33. GOUDA P, Islam S, Dover DC, Kaul P, et al
    Outcomes of management strategies in patients with prior coronary artery bypass grafting presenting with an acute coronary syndrome.
    Atherosclerosis. 2024;393:117477.
    >> Share

  34. MASROURI S, Tamehri Zadeh SS, Shapiro MD, Khalili D, et al
    Impact of optimal cholesterol levels on subclinical atherosclerosis in the absence of risk factors in young adults.
    Atherosclerosis. 2024;393:117520.
    >> Share

  35. WELSH RC, Gouda P, Dover D, Bainey KR, et al
    Applicability and impact of the COMPASS trial in a Canadian population of patients with atherosclerotic disease.
    Atherosclerosis. 2024;393:117486.
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    May 2024
  36. PINXTERHUIS TH, Ploumen EH, van Vliet D, Gert van Houwelingen K, et al
    Ten-year mortality after treating obstructive coronary atherosclerosis with contemporary stents in patients with or without concomitant peripheral arterial disease.
    Atherosclerosis. 2024;392:117488.
    >> Share

  37. JAIN V, Rifai MA, Kanaya AM, Shah NS, et al
    Association of cardiovascular health with subclinical coronary atherosclerosis progression among five racial and ethnic groups: The MASALA and MESA studies.
    Atherosclerosis. 2024;392:117522.
    >> Share

  38. SUGANE H, Asaumi Y, Ogata S, Kimura M, et al
    Evaluation of fractional flow reserve and atherosclerotic plaque characteristics on coronary non-contrast T1-weighted magnetic resonance imaging.
    Atherosclerosis. 2024;392:117530.
    >> Share

  39. BERLOT AA, Fu X, Shea MK, Tracy R, et al
    Matrix Gla protein and the long-term incidence and progression of coronary artery and aortic calcification in the Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis.
    Atherosclerosis. 2024;392:117505.
    >> Share

  40. LARSSON J, Auscher S, Pararajasingam G, Heinsen LJ, et al
    Reply to: "Insulin resistance is an important index to assess glucose and insulin metabolism, but not a biological risk factor for high-risk coronary artery plaque composition".
    Atherosclerosis. 2024;392:117524.
    >> Share

  41. RAZAVI AC, Raggi P, Whelton SP
    Coronary artery calcium: The canary in the coal mine.
    Atherosclerosis. 2024;392:117499.
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  42. BUGIARDINI R, Gulati M
    Closing the sex gap in cardiovascular mortality by achieving both horizontal and vertical equity.
    Atherosclerosis. 2024;392:117500.
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  43. BERISHA-MUHARREMI V, Majnaric-Trtica L, Mujaj B
    Insulin resistance is an important index to assess glucose and insulin metabolism, but not a biological risk factor for high-risk coronary artery plaque composition.
    Atherosclerosis. 2024;392:117484.
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    April 2024
  44. ENGEBRETSEN I, Bugge C, Stovring H, Husebye E, et al
    Treatment patterns and adherence to lipid-lowering drugs during eight-year follow-up after a coronary heart disease event.
    Atherosclerosis. 2024;393:117550.
    >> Share

  45. XIAO J, Wei H, Gao Z, Chen L, et al
    Differential age-specific associations of LDL cholesterol and body mass index with coronary heart disease.
    Atherosclerosis. 2024;393:117542.
    >> Share

  46. GAGNON E, Arsenault BJ
    Drug target Mendelian randomization supports apolipoprotein C3-lowering for lipoprotein-lipid levels reductions and cardiovascular diseases prevention.
    Atherosclerosis. 2024;391:117501.
    >> Share

  47. HAN Y, Ren L, Fei X, Wang J, et al
    Effect of combining evolocumab with statin on carotid intraplaque neovascularization in patients with premature coronary artery disease (EPOCH).
    Atherosclerosis. 2024;391:117471.
    >> Share

  48. RINALDI R, Colucci M, Torre I, Ausiello D, et al
    Predicting the response to acetylcholine in ischemia or infarction with non-obstructive coronary arteries: The ABCD score.
    Atherosclerosis. 2024;391:117503.
    >> Share

    March 2024
  49. MELNES T, Bogsrud MP, Christensen JJ, Rundblad A, et al
    Gene expression profiling in elderly patients with familial hypercholesterolemia with and without coronary heart disease.
    Atherosclerosis. 2024;392:117507.
    >> Share

  50. ESCATE R, Padro T, Perez de Isla L, Fuentes F, et al
    Circulating miR-6821-5p levels and coronary calcification in asymptomatic familial hypercholesterolemia patients.
    Atherosclerosis. 2024;392:117502.
    >> Share

  51. REXHAJ E, Bar S, Soria R, Ueki Y, et al
    Effects of alirocumab on endothelial function and coronary atherosclerosis in myocardial infarction: A PACMAN-AMI randomized clinical trial substudy.
    Atherosclerosis. 2024;392:117504.
    >> Share

  52. HAKAMAA E, Goebeler S, Martiskainen M, Louhelainen AM, et al
    Sex differences in coronary atherosclerosis during the pre- and postmenopausal period: The Tampere Sudden Death Study.
    Atherosclerosis. 2024;390:117459.
    >> Share

  53. GRINBERG T, Eisen A, Talmor-Barkan Y, Kornowski R, et al
    Novel plasma biomarkers of coronary artery calcium incidence or progression: Insights from the prospective multi-ethnic Dallas Heart Study cohort.
    Atherosclerosis. 2024;390:117469.
    >> Share

    Diagnostic challenge of an APOB variant of uncertain significance resolved by transheterozygosity with a pathological LDLR variant and clinical response to therapy.
    Atherosclerosis. 2024;390:117460.
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  55. CHEDID G, Malik A, Daher R, Welty FK, et al
    Reply to: "Comments on "Higher exercise capacity, but not omega-3 fatty acid consumption, predicts lower coronary artery calcium scores in women and men with coronary artery disease"".
    Atherosclerosis. 2024;390:117452.
    >> Share

  56. KHAN SU, Al-Mallah MH
    Air pollution and acute coronary syndrome: The air we breathe.
    Atherosclerosis. 2024;390:117453.
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  57. GU SZ, Ahmed ME, Huang Y, Hakim D, et al
    Comprehensive biomechanical and anatomical atherosclerotic plaque metrics predict major adverse cardiovascular events: A new tool for clinical decision making.
    Atherosclerosis. 2024;390:117449.
    >> Share

  58. CENKO E, Manfrini O, Bugiardini R
    Net adverse clinical events with P2Y(12) inhibitor therapy in older patients after percutaneous coronary interventions.
    Atherosclerosis. 2024;390:117434.
    >> Share

  59. ASMARIAN N, Raeisi Shahraki H
    Comments on "Higher exercise capacity, but not omega-3 fatty acid consumption, predicts lower coronary artery calcium scores in women and men with coronary artery disease".
    Atherosclerosis. 2024;390:117426.
    >> Share

  60. RINALDI R, Russo M, Bonanni A, Camilli M, et al
    Short-term air pollution exposure and mechanisms of plaque instability in acute coronary syndromes: An optical coherence tomography study.
    Atherosclerosis. 2024;390:117393.
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    February 2024
  61. OBISESAN OH, Boakye E, Wang FM, Dardari Z, et al
    Coronary artery calcium as a marker of healthy and unhealthy aging in adults aged 75 and older: The Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities (ARIC) study.
    Atherosclerosis. 2024 Feb 13:117475. doi: 10.1016/j.atherosclerosis.2024.117475.
    >> Share

  62. BASU P, Das AA, Siddiqui KN, Mondal PC, et al
    Novel role of peptidoglycan recognition protein 2 in activating NOD2-NFkappaB inflammatory axis in coronary artery disease.
    Atherosclerosis. 2024;389:117436.
    >> Share

    January 2024
  63. XU M, Hou Z, Koyratty N, Huang C, et al
    Association between long-term exposure to ambient air pollution and lesion ischemia in patients with atherosclerosis.
    Atherosclerosis. 2024;388:117422.
    >> Share

  64. KADIYALA V, Khetpal V, Hulten EA
    Coronary artery calcium screening: He who buys what he does not need steals from himself.
    Atherosclerosis. 2024;388:117411.
    >> Share

  65. QIU Y, Hao W, Guo Y, Guo Q, et al
    The association of lipoprotein (a) with coronary artery calcification: A systematic review and meta-analysis.
    Atherosclerosis. 2024;388:117405.
    >> Share

  66. ACQUAH I, Cainzos-Achirica M, Taha MB, Lahan S, et al
    Social disadvantage, coronary artery calcium, and their interplay in the prediction of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease events.
    Atherosclerosis. 2024;388:117355.
    >> Share

    December 2023
  67. WODAJE T, Mahdi A, Venkateshvaran A, Habel H, et al
    Higher prevalence of coronary microvascular dysfunction in asymptomatic individuals with high levels of lipoprotein(a) with and without heterozygous familial hypercholesterolaemia.
    Atherosclerosis. 2023;389:117439.
    >> Share

  68. FISHBEIN I, Inamdar VV, Alferiev IS, Bratinov G, et al
    Hypercholesterolemia exacerbates in-stent restenosis in rabbits: Studies of the mitigating effect of stent surface modification with a CD47-derived peptide.
    Atherosclerosis. 2023;390:117432.
    >> Share

  69. ZHANG D, Li P, Qiu M, Liang Z, et al
    Net clinical benefit of clopidogrel versus ticagrelor in elderly patients carrying CYP2C19 loss-of-function variants with acute coronary syndrome after percutaneous coronary intervention.
    Atherosclerosis. 2023 Dec 13:117395. doi: 10.1016/j.atherosclerosis.2023.117395.
    >> Share

  70. DONG JY, Iso H, Muraki I, Tanaka M, et al
    Timing of clinic visits after health checks and risk of hospitalization for cardiovascular events and all-cause death among the high-risk population.
    Atherosclerosis. 2023;388:117409.
    >> Share

  71. HARIRI E, Asbeutah AA, Malik A, Amangurbanova M, et al
    Eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic acid supplementation and coronary artery calcium progression in patients with coronary artery disease: A secondary analysis of a randomized trial.
    Atherosclerosis. 2023;387:117388.
    >> Share

  72. TZIOTZIOU A, Hartman E, Korteland SA, van der Lugt A, et al
    Mechanical wall stress and wall shear stress are associated with atherosclerosis development in non-calcified coronary segments.
    Atherosclerosis. 2023;387:117387.
    >> Share

  73. KHEIRKHAH A, Schachtl-Riess JF, Lamina C, Di Maio S, et al
    Meta-GWAS on PCSK9 concentrations reveals associations of novel loci outside the PCSK9 locus in White populations.
    Atherosclerosis. 2023;386:117384.
    >> Share

  74. OMORI H, Matsuo H, Fujimoto S, Sobue Y, et al
    Determination of lipid-rich plaques by artificial intelligence-enabled quantitative computed tomography using near-infrared spectroscopy as reference.
    Atherosclerosis. 2023;386:117363.
    >> Share

  75. FAHED AC, Natarajan P
    Clinical applications of polygenic risk score for coronary artery disease through the life course.
    Atherosclerosis. 2023;386:117356.
    >> Share

    November 2023
  76. BJORNSON E, Adiels M, Bergstrom G, Gummesson A, et al
    The relationship between genetic liver fat and coronary heart disease is explained by apoB-containing lipoproteins.
    Atherosclerosis. 2023 Nov 29:117397. doi: 10.1016/j.atherosclerosis.2023.117397.
    >> Share

  77. LAI Z, Wu G, Yang Y, Chen L, et al
    Interactive effects of physical activity and sarcopenia on incident ischemic heart disease: Results from a nation-wide cohort study.
    Atherosclerosis. 2023;388:117396.
    >> Share

  78. MARTIN-CAMPOS JM, Carcel-Marquez J, Llucia-Carol L, Lledos M, et al
    Causal role of lipid metabolome on the risk of ischemic stroke, its etiological subtypes, and long-term outcome: A Mendelian randomization study.
    Atherosclerosis. 2023;386:117382.
    >> Share

  79. SAKKERS TR, Mokry M, Civelek M, Erdmann J, et al
    Sex differences in the genetic and molecular mechanisms of coronary artery disease.
    Atherosclerosis. 2023;384:117279.
    >> Share

  80. CIVIERI G, Kerkhof PLM, Montisci R, Iliceto S, et al
    Sex differences in diagnostic modalities of coronary artery disease: Evidence from coronary microcirculation.
    Atherosclerosis. 2023;384:117276.
    >> Share

  81. CROOIJMANS J, Singh S, Naqshband M, Bruikman CS, et al
    Premature atherosclerosis: An analysis over 39 years in the Netherlands. Implications for young individuals in high-risk families.
    Atherosclerosis. 2023;384:117267.
    >> Share

  82. GURGOGLIONE FL, Solinas E, Pfleiderer B, Vezzani A, et al
    Coronary atherosclerotic plaque phenotype and physiopathologic mechanisms: Is there an influence of sex? Insights from intracoronary imaging.
    Atherosclerosis. 2023;384:117273.
    >> Share

  83. HOLTZMAN JN, Kaur G, Hansen B, Bushana N, et al
    Sex differences in the management of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease.
    Atherosclerosis. 2023;384:117268.
    >> Share

  84. CHEDID G, Malik A, Daher R, Welty FK, et al
    Higher exercise capacity, but not omega-3 fatty acid consumption, predicts lower coronary artery calcium scores in women and men with coronary artery disease.
    Atherosclerosis. 2023;384:117168.
    >> Share

  85. KANG J, Cho Y
    Sex differences in the association between minor nonspecific ST-segment and T-wave abnormalities and coronary artery calcification.
    Atherosclerosis. 2023;384:117154.
    >> Share

  86. LU C, Donners MMPC, Karel J, de Boer H, et al
    Sex-specific differences in cytokine signaling pathways in circulating monocytes of cardiovascular disease patients.
    Atherosclerosis. 2023;384:117123.
    >> Share

  87. NELLES G, Abdelwahed YS, Alyaqoob A, Seppelt C, et al
    Spotty calcium deposits within acute coronary syndrome (ACS)-causing culprit lesions impact inflammatory vessel-wall interactions and are associated with higher cardiovascular event rates at one year follow-up: Results from the prospective translation
    Atherosclerosis. 2023;385:117284.
    >> Share

  88. PONTONE G, Rossi A, Gimelli A, Neglia D, et al
    Should we choose CT angiography first instead of SPECT/PET first for the diagnosis and management of coronary artery disease?
    Atherosclerosis. 2023;385:117315.
    >> Share

  89. RASMUSSEN KL, Luo J, Nordestgaard BG, Tybjaerg-Hansen A, et al
    APOE and vascular disease: Sequencing and genotyping in general population cohorts.
    Atherosclerosis. 2023;385:117218.
    >> Share

  90. LARSSON J, Auscher S, Shamoun A, Pararajasingam G, et al
    Insulin resistance is associated with high-risk coronary artery plaque composition in asymptomatic men between 65 and 75 years and no diabetes: A DANCAVAS cross-sectional sub-study.
    Atherosclerosis. 2023;385:117328.
    >> Share

    October 2023
  91. LANDMESSER U, Koenig W, Leiter LA, Raal FJ, et al
    Inclisiran in patients with prior myocardial infarction: A post hoc pooled analysis of the ORION-10 and ORION-11 Phase 3 randomised trials.
    Atherosclerosis. 2023;386:117354.
    >> Share

  92. JUNNA N, Ruotsalainen S, Ripatti P, FinnGen, et al
    Novel Finnish-enriched variants causing severe hypercholesterolemia and their clinical impact on coronary artery disease.
    Atherosclerosis. 2023 Oct 12:117327. doi: 10.1016/j.atherosclerosis.2023.117327.
    >> Share

  93. PAGE MM, Hardikar W, Alex G, Bates S, et al
    Long-term outcomes of liver transplantation for homozygous familial hypercholesterolaemia in Australia and New Zealand.
    Atherosclerosis. 2023 Oct 10:117305. doi: 10.1016/j.atherosclerosis.2023.117305.
    >> Share

  94. WILLIAMS C, Han D, Takagi H, Fordyce CB, et al
    Effects of renin-angiotensin-aldosterone-system inhibitors on coronary atherosclerotic plaques: The PARADIGM registry.
    Atherosclerosis. 2023;383:117301.
    >> Share

    September 2023
  95. HAMAYA R, Goto S, Hwang D, Zhang J, et al
    Machine-learning-based prediction of fractional flow reserve after percutaneous coronary intervention.
    Atherosclerosis. 2023;383:117310.
    >> Share

  96. SONG Z, Wan L, Wang W, Li Y, et al
    Daily stair climbing, disease susceptibility, and risk of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease: A prospective cohort study.
    Atherosclerosis. 2023 Sep 16:117300. doi: 10.1016/j.atherosclerosis.2023.117300.
    >> Share

  97. JONAS M, Genereux P, Maehara A, Ben-Yehuda O, et al
    Control of diabetes mellitus and the risk of neointimal hyperplasia after percutaneous coronary intervention: Post-hoc analysis from the BLADE-PCI trial.
    Atherosclerosis. 2023 Sep 3:117264. doi: 10.1016/j.atherosclerosis.2023.117264.
    >> Share

  98. LEE YH, Hsieh MT, Chang CC, Tsai YL, et al
    Improving detection of obstructive coronary artery disease with an artificial intelligence-enabled electrocardiogram algorithm.
    Atherosclerosis. 2023;381:117238.
    >> Share

  99. KWIECINSKI J, Oleksiak A, Kruk M, Zysk A, et al
    Computed tomography perfusion and angiography in patients with chronic total occlusion undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention.
    Atherosclerosis. 2023;381:117174.
    >> Share

    August 2023
  100. ZHAO JV, Fan B, Burgess S
    Using genetics to examine the overall and sex-specific associations of branch-chain amino acids and the valine metabolite, 3-hydroxyisobutyrate, with ischemic heart disease and diabetes: A two-sample Mendelian randomization study.
    Atherosclerosis. 2023;381:117246.
    >> Share

  101. TIAN P, Liu Y, Wang J, Xing L, et al
    Correlation of neck circumference, coronary calcification severity and cardiovascular events in Chinese elderly patients with acute coronary syndromes.
    Atherosclerosis. 2023 Aug 18:117242. doi: 10.1016/j.atherosclerosis.2023.117242.
    >> Share

  102. CASULA M, Gazzotti M, Capra ME, Olmastroni E, et al
    Refinement of the diagnostic approach for the identification of children and adolescents affected by familial hypercholesterolemia: Evidence from the LIPIGEN study.
    Atherosclerosis. 2023 Aug 12:117231. doi: 10.1016/j.atherosclerosis.2023.117231.
    >> Share

  103. KOSKA J, Hu Y, Furtado J, Billheimer D, et al
    Association of apolipoproteins C-I and C-II truncations with coronary heart disease and progression of coronary artery calcium: Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis.
    Atherosclerosis. 2023;380:117214.
    >> Share

  104. HON A, Hsu JJ, Zambrano A, Xia Y, et al
    Effects of activity levels on aortic calcification in hyperlipidemic mice as measured by microPETmicroCT.
    Atherosclerosis. 2023;380:117198.
    >> Share

  105. WANG C, Tian X, Feng X, Demuyakor A, et al
    Pancoronary plaque characteristics and clinical outcomes in acute coronary syndrome patients with cancer history.
    Atherosclerosis. 2023;378:117118.
    >> Share

    July 2023
  106. OJEDA-RODRIGUEZ A, Alcala-Diaz JF, Rangel-Zuniga OA, Arenas-de Larriva AP, et al
    Association between telomere length and intima-media thickness of both common carotid arteries in patients with coronary heart disease: From the CORDIOPREV randomized controlled trial.
    Atherosclerosis. 2023;380:117193.
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  107. FU Y, Yusufu M, Wang Y, He M, et al
    Association of retinal microvascular density and complexity with incident coronary heart disease.
    Atherosclerosis. 2023;380:117196.
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  108. ADAY AW, Bagheri M, Vaitinadin NS, Mosley JD, et al
    Polygenic risk score in comparison with C-reactive protein for predicting incident coronary heart disease.
    Atherosclerosis. 2023;379:117194.
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  109. VINK CEM, Woudstra J, Lee JM, Boerhout CKM, et al
    Sex differences in prevalence and outcomes of the different endotypes of chronic coronary syndrome in symptomatic patients undergoing invasive coronary angiography: Insights from the global ILIAS invasive coronary physiology registry.
    Atherosclerosis. 2023 Jul 8:117167. doi: 10.1016/j.atherosclerosis.2023.
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  110. LI Z, Lin C, Cai X, Hu S, et al
    Anti-inflammatory therapies were associated with reduced risk of myocardial infarction in patients with established cardiovascular disease or high cardiovascular risks: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials.
    Atherosclerosis. 2023;379:117181.
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  111. BARFOROSHI S, Manubolu VS, Wang R, McClelland RL, et al
    Incremental value of ABI and CAC beyond traditional risk markers in long-term prediction of cardiovascular disease incidence in participants with diabetes and impaired fasting glucose: Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis.
    Atherosclerosis. 2023 Jul 6:117186. doi: 10.1016/j.atherosclerosis.2023.117186.
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  112. KRALER S, Wenzl FA, Vykoukal J, Fahrmann JF, et al
    Low-density lipoprotein electronegativity and risk of death after acute coronary syndromes: A case-cohort analysis.
    Atherosclerosis. 2023;376:43-52.
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  113. DALILA N, Frikke-Schmidt R, Nordestgaard BG, Tybjaerg-Hansen A, et al
    Plasma TSH and cardiovascular disease in the general population: A Mendelian randomization study of 105,224 individuals.
    Atherosclerosis. 2023;376:26-33.
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  114. NOORDAM R, Brochard TA, Drewes YM, Gussekloo J, et al
    Cardiovascular risk factors and major recurrent coronary events: A genetic liability study in patients with coronary artery disease in the UK Biobank.
    Atherosclerosis. 2023;376:19-25.
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  115. HAKIM D, Pinilla-Echeverri N, Coskun AU, Pu Z, et al
    The role of endothelial shear stress, shear stress gradient, and plaque topography in plaque erosion.
    Atherosclerosis. 2023;376:11-18.
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    June 2023
  116. NIELSEN S, Nyvad J, Christensen KL, Poulsen PL, et al
    Obstructive sleep apnea, coronary calcification and arterial stiffness in patients with diabetic kidney disease.
    Atherosclerosis. 2023 Jun 29:117170. doi: 10.1016/j.atherosclerosis.2023.
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  117. TONA F, Vadori M, Civieri G, Masiero G, et al
    Association of autoantibodies targeting endothelin type-A receptors with no-reflow in ST-elevation myocardial infarction.
    Atherosclerosis. 2023 Jun 28:117179. doi: 10.1016/j.atherosclerosis.2023.
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  118. ZHANG K, Liu C, Sha X, Yao S, et al
    Development and validation of a prediction model to predict major adverse cardiovascular events in elderly patients undergoing noncardiac surgery: A retrospective cohort study.
    Atherosclerosis. 2023;376:71-79.
    >> Share

  119. LOPEZ RODRIGUEZ M, Arasu UT, Kaikkonen MU
    Exploring the genetic basis of coronary artery disease using functional genomics.
    Atherosclerosis. 2023;374:87-98.
    >> Share

    May 2023
  120. DOI T, Langsted A, Nordestgaard BG
    Dual elevated remnant cholesterol and C-reactive protein in myocardial infarction, atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease, and mortality.
    Atherosclerosis. 2023 May 13:S0021-9150(23)00204.
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  121. KUEHNEMUND L, Lange SA, Feld J, Padberg JS, et al
    Sex disparities in guideline-recommended therapies and outcomes after ST-elevation myocardial infarction in a contemporary nationwide cohort of patients over an eight-year period.
    Atherosclerosis. 2023;375:30-37.
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  122. KUMAR A, Stillman AE, Chatzizisis YS
    Coronary plaque phenotyping with cardiac CTA: Separating the signal from the noise.
    Atherosclerosis. 2023;373:66-68.
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  123. LEMIEUX I, Despres JP
    Weight gain with age and coronary atherosclerosis: Only the tip of a deadly iceberg.
    Atherosclerosis. 2023;373:55-57.
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  124. YANG S, Lesina K, Doh JH, Jegere S, et al
    Long-term prognostic implications of hemodynamic and plaque assessment using coronary CT angiography.
    Atherosclerosis. 2023;373:58-65.
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  125. BERGSTROM G, Rosengren A, Bacsovics Brolin E, Brandberg J, et al
    Body weight at age 20 and in midlife is more important than weight gain for coronary atherosclerosis: Results from SCAPIS.
    Atherosclerosis. 2023;373:46-54.
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    April 2023
  126. NAYFEH M, Ahmed AI, Alahdab F, Al Rifai M, et al
    No contrast? No problem! Value in assessing pericoronary fat in non-contrast studies.
    Atherosclerosis. 2023;370:3-4.
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  127. TAKAHASHI D, Fujimoto S, Nozaki YO, Kudo A, et al
    Validation and clinical impact of novel pericoronary adipose tissue measurement on ECG-gated non-contrast chest CT.
    Atherosclerosis. 2023;370:18-24.
    >> Share

    March 2023
  128. YANG XH, Zhang BL, Cheng Y, Fu SK, et al
    Association of remnant cholesterol with risk of cardiovascular disease events, stroke, and mortality: A systemic review and meta-analysis.
    Atherosclerosis. 2023;371:21-31.
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  129. TADA H, Nomura A, Nohara A, Usui S, et al
    Attainment of the low-density lipoprotein cholesterol treatment target and prognosis of heterozygous familial hypercholesterolemia.
    Atherosclerosis. 2023 Mar 17:S0021-9150(23)00103.
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  130. MOK Y, Wang F, Ballew SH, Menez S, et al
    Kidney function, bone-mineral metabolism markers, and calcification of coronary arteries, aorta, and cardiac valves in older adults.
    Atherosclerosis. 2023;368:35-43.
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    February 2023
  131. KATRA P, Hennings V, Nilsson J, Engstrom G, et al
    Plasma levels of CCL21, but not CCL19, independently predict future coronary events in a prospective population-based cohort.
    Atherosclerosis. 2023;366:1-7.
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  132. DI GIOVANNI G, Kataoka Y, Bubb K, Nelson AJ, et al
    Impact of lipid lowering on coronary atherosclerosis moving from the lumen to the artery wall.
    Atherosclerosis. 2023;367:8-14.
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  133. FENG X, Zhang C, Huang X, Liu J, et al
    Machine learning improves mortality prediction in three-vessel disease.
    Atherosclerosis. 2023;367:1-7.
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    January 2023
  134. MONTONE RA, Rinaldi R, Bonanni A, Severino A, et al
    Impact of air pollution on ischemic heart disease: Evidence, mechanisms, clinical perspectives.
    Atherosclerosis. 2023;366:22-31.
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  135. TSABAN G, Peles I, Barrett O, Abramowitz Y, et al
    Nonobstructive coronary atherosclerosis is associated with adverse prognosis among patients diagnosed with myocardial infarction without obstructive coronary arteries.
    Atherosclerosis. 2023;366:8-13.
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  136. DORAJOO R, Ihsan MO, Liu W, Lim HY, et al
    Vascular smooth muscle cells in low SYNTAX scores coronary artery disease exhibit proinflammatory transcripts and proteins correlated with IL1B activation.
    Atherosclerosis. 2023;365:15-24.
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    December 2022
  137. TAY KY, Wu KX, Chioh FWJ, Autio MI, et al
    Trans-interaction of risk loci 6p24.1 and 10q11.21 is associated with endothelial damage in coronary artery disease.
    Atherosclerosis. 2022;362:11-22.
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  138. LIND L, Markstad H, Ahlstrom H, Angeras O, et al
    Obesity is associated with coronary artery stenosis independently of metabolic risk factors: The population-based SCAPIS study.
    Atherosclerosis. 2022;362:1-10.
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  139. GOWDA SGB, Gowda D, Hou F, Chiba H, et al
    Temporal lipid profiling in the progression from acute to chronic heart failure in mice and ischemic human hearts.
    Atherosclerosis. 2022;363:30-41.
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  140. MEHTA PK, Huang J, Levit RD, Malas W, et al
    Ischemia and no obstructive coronary arteries (INOCA): A narrative review.
    Atherosclerosis. 2022;363:8-21.
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  141. JINNOUCHI H, Sakakura K, Taniguchi Y, Tsukui T, et al
    Impact of ultrasound reverberation in calcified coronary arteries: Intravascular ultrasound study.
    Atherosclerosis. 2022;363:1-7.
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  142. ZIERFUSS B, Hobaus C, Feldscher A, Hannes A, et al
    Lipoprotein (a) and long-term outcome in patients with peripheral artery disease undergoing revascularization.
    Atherosclerosis. 2022;363:94-101.
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  143. RIKHI R, Hammoud A, Ashburn N, Snavely AC, et al
    Relationship of low-density lipoprotein-cholesterol and lipoprotein(a) to cardiovascular risk: The Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis (MESA).
    Atherosclerosis. 2022;363:102-108.
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    November 2022
  144. AHN HJ, Lee H, Park HE, Han D, et al
    Changes in metabolic syndrome burden and risk of coronary artery calcification progression in statin-naive young adults.
    Atherosclerosis. 2022;360:27-33.
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  145. OKADA K, Kikuchi S, Kuji S, Nakayama N, et al
    Impact of early intervention with alogliptin on coronary plaque regression and stabilization in patients with acute coronary syndromes.
    Atherosclerosis. 2022;360:1-7.
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  146. SEKIMOTO T, Mori H, Koba S, Arai T, et al
    Clinical features and lipid profiles of plaque erosion over lipid-rich plaque versus fibrous plaque in patients with acute coronary syndrome.
    Atherosclerosis. 2022;360:47-52.
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    October 2022
  147. YUAN D, Wang P, Jia S, Zhang C, et al
    Lipoprotein(a), high-sensitivity C-reactive protein, and cardiovascular risk in patients undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention.
    Atherosclerosis. 2022 Oct 25. pii: S0021-9150(22)01495.
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  148. TESCHE C, Bauer MJ, Straube F, Rogowski S, et al
    Association of epicardial adipose tissue with coronary CT angiography plaque parameters on cardiovascular outcome in patients with and without diabetes mellitus.
    Atherosclerosis. 2022 Oct 17. pii: S0021-9150(22)01477.
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  149. WU S, Yang YM, Zhu J, Xu W, et al
    Impact of glycemic gap on 30-day adverse outcomes in patients with acute ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction.
    Atherosclerosis. 2022;360:34-41.
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  150. SUN Y, Zhang H, Wang B, Chen C, et al
    Joint exposure to positive affect, life satisfaction, broad depression, and neuroticism and risk of cardiovascular diseases: A prospective cohort study.
    Atherosclerosis. 2022;359:44-51.
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    September 2022
  151. DE MARCHIS GM, Dittrich TD, Malik R, Zietz AV, et al
    Genetic proxies for PCSK9 inhibition associate with lipoprotein(a): Effects on coronary artery disease and ischemic stroke.
    Atherosclerosis. 2022 Sep 26. pii: S0021-9150(22)01433.
    >> Share

  152. NONG JC, You W, Xu T, Meng PN, et al
    Dynamic natural morphologies and component changes in nonculprit subclinical atherosclerosis in patients with acute coronary syndrome at 1-year follow-up and clinical significance at 3-year follow-up.
    Atherosclerosis. 2022;356:1-8.
    >> Share

    August 2022
  153. SCHIANO C, Balbi C, Burrello J, Ruocco A, et al
    De novo DNA methylation induced by circulating extracellular vesicles from acute coronary syndrome patients.
    Atherosclerosis. 2022;354:41-52.
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  154. CICERO AFG, Salvetti M
    Peripheral artery disease: A highly prevalent untreated and uncontrolled independent cardiovascular disease.
    Atherosclerosis. 2022;354:55-56.
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  155. KUMAR R, Bainey KR
    Percutaneous coronary intervention with peripheral artery disease in the contemporary era: Still life or limb?
    Atherosclerosis. 2022;355:45-47.
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  156. PINXTERHUIS TH, Ploumen EH, Zocca P, Doggen CJM, et al
    Outcome after percutaneous coronary intervention with contemporary stents in patients with concomitant peripheral arterial disease: A patient-level pooled analysis of four randomized trials.
    Atherosclerosis. 2022;355:52-59.
    >> Share

    July 2022
  157. KIM C, Choi DW, Lee SJ, Suh Y, et al
    Benefit and risk of prolonged dual antiplatelet therapy after drug-eluting stent implantation in patients with chronic kidney disease: A nationwide cohort study.
    Atherosclerosis. 2022;352:69-75.
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  158. ALFADDAGH A, Kapoor K, Dardari ZA, Bhatt DL, et al
    Omega-3 fatty acids, subclinical atherosclerosis, and cardiovascular events: Implications for primary prevention.
    Atherosclerosis. 2022;353:11-19.
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  159. AL RIFAI M, Ahmed AI, Al-Mallah MH
    Evaluating coronary atherosclerosis progression among South Asians.
    Atherosclerosis. 2022;353:30-32.
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  160. BHATIA HS, Lin F, Thomas IC, Denenberg J, et al
    Coronary artery calcium incidence and changes using direct plaque measurements: The MASALA study.
    Atherosclerosis. 2022;353:41-46.
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  161. POST WS, Haberlen SA, Witt MD, Zhang L, et al
    Suboptimal HIV suppression is associated with progression of coronary artery stenosis: The Multicenter AIDS Cohort Study (MACS) longitudinal coronary CT angiography study.
    Atherosclerosis. 2022;353:33-40.
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    June 2022
  162. KYTO V, Saraste A, Tornio A
    Early statin use and cardiovascular outcomes after myocardial infarction: A population-based case-control study.
    Atherosclerosis. 2022;354:8-14.
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  163. CLARKE R, Hammami I, Sherliker P, Valdes-Marquez E, et al
    Oxidized phospholipids on apolipoprotein B-100 versus plasminogen and risk of coronary heart disease in the PROCARDIS study.
    Atherosclerosis. 2022;354:15-22.
    >> Share

  164. BOAKYE E, Dardari Z, Obisesan OH, Osei AD, et al
    Sex-and race-specific burden of aortic valve calcification among older adults without overt coronary heart disease: The Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities Study.
    Atherosclerosis. 2022 Jun 13. pii: S0021-9150(22)00290.
    >> Share

  165. CALBUREAN PA, Grebenisan P, Nistor IA, Pal K, et al
    Prediction of 3-year all-cause and cardiovascular cause mortality in a prospective percutaneous coronary intervention registry: Machine learning model outperforms conventional clinical risk scores.
    Atherosclerosis. 2022;350:33-40.
    >> Share

  166. ROESNER C, Goeller M, Raaz-Schrauder D, Dey D, et al
    Differences of inflammatory cytokine profile in patients with vulnerable plaque: A coronary CTA study.
    Atherosclerosis. 2022;350:25-32.
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  167. GORDIN D, Bjornstad P, van Raalte DH
    Lipids in CKD: What do we actually know?
    Atherosclerosis. 2022;350:97-99.
    >> Share

  168. SORENSEN IM, Bisgaard LS, Bjergfelt SS, Ballegaard EL, et al
    The metabolic signature of cardiovascular disease and arterial calcification in patients with chronic kidney disease.
    Atherosclerosis. 2022;350:109-118.
    >> Share

  169. GROENLAND EH, Heidemann BE, van der Laan SW, van Setten J, et al
    Genetic variants associated with low-density lipoprotein cholesterol and systolic blood pressure and the risk of recurrent cardiovascular disease in patients with established vascular disease.
    Atherosclerosis. 2022;350:102-108.
    >> Share

    May 2022
  170. SCHNITZER F, Forer L, Schonherr S, Gieger C, et al
    Association between a polygenic and family risk score on the prevalence and incidence of myocardial infarction in the KORA-F3 study.
    Atherosclerosis. 2022;352:10-17.
    >> Share

  171. WELSH RC, Kay R, Bainey KR
    Evaluation and management of chronic kidney disease patients with stable ischemic heart disease.
    Atherosclerosis. 2022 May 16. pii: S0021-9150(22)00241.
    >> Share

  172. MATSUSHITA K, Gao Y, Sang Y, Ballew SH, et al
    Comparative mortality according to peripheral artery disease and coronary heart disease/stroke in the United States.
    Atherosclerosis. 2022 May 8. pii: S0021-9150(22)00221.
    >> Share

  173. WOLTERS FJ, Hilal S, Leening MJG, Kavousi M, et al
    Plasma amyloid-beta40 in relation to subclinical atherosclerosis and cardiovascular disease: A population-based study.
    Atherosclerosis. 2022;348:44-50.
    >> Share

  174. DANG AT, Turner AW, Lau P, Mohottalage D, et al
    A novel anti-inflammatory role links the CARS2 locus to protection from coronary artery disease.
    Atherosclerosis. 2022;348:8-15.
    >> Share

  175. MATSUOKA S, Kaneko H, Okada A, Itoh H, et al
    Association of retinal atherosclerosis assessed using Keith-Wagener-Barker system with incident heart failure and other atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease: Analysis of 319,501 individuals from the general population.
    Atherosclerosis. 2022;348:68-74.
    >> Share

  176. GRUNEIS R, Lamina C, Di Maio S, Schonherr S, et al
    The effect of LPA Thr3888Pro on lipoprotein(a) and coronary artery disease is modified by the LPA KIV-2 variant 4925G>A.
    Atherosclerosis. 2022;349:151-159.
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  177. LI Q, Chen Y, Yu L, Zhu L, et al
    The relationship between lipoprotein(a) and cardiovascular events in acute coronary syndrome patients with and without chronic kidney disease.
    Atherosclerosis. 2022;349:204-210.
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  178. LEE H, Park KS, Jeon YJ, Park EJ, et al
    Lipoprotein(a) and subclinical coronary atherosclerosis in asymptomatic individuals.
    Atherosclerosis. 2022;349:190-195.
    >> Share

    April 2022
  179. CHO IY, Yoo JE, Han K, Kim D, et al
    Frequent drinking is more predictive of ischemic stroke than binge drinking, but not of myocardial infarction.
    Atherosclerosis. 2022;350:65-72.
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  180. TENG H, Gao Y, Wu C, Zhang H, et al
    Prevalence and patient characteristics of familial hypercholesterolemia in a Chinese population aged 35-75 years: Results from China PEACE Million Persons Project.
    Atherosclerosis. 2022;350:58-64.
    >> Share

  181. NAKAMURA H, Kataoka Y, Nicholls SJ, Puri R, et al
    Elevated Lipoprotein(a) as a potential residual risk factor associated with lipid-rich coronary atheroma in patients with type 2 diabetes and coronary artery disease on statin treatment: Insights from the REASSURE-NIRS registry.
    Atherosclerosis. 2022 Apr 10. pii: S0021-9150(22)00166.
    >> Share

  182. JUKEMA RA, de Winter RW, van Diemen PA, Driessen RS, et al
    The relation of RAAS activity and endothelin-1 levels to coronary atherosclerotic burden and microvascular dysfunction in chest pain patients.
    Atherosclerosis. 2022;347:47-54.
    >> Share

  183. AHMED AI, Raggi P, Al-Mallah MH
    Primary vs. secondary prevention and coronary artery calcium: Shades of grey.
    Atherosclerosis. 2022;347:68-69.
    >> Share

  184. DZAYE O, Razavi AC, Michos ED, Mortensen MB, et al
    Coronary artery calcium scores indicating secondary prevention level risk: Findings from the CAC consortium and FOURIER trial.
    Atherosclerosis. 2022;347:70-76.
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  185. MAURICIO R, Singh K, Sanghavi M, Ayers CR, et al
    Soluble Fms-like tyrosine kinase-1 (sFlt-1) is associated with subclinical and clinical atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease: The Dallas Heart Study.
    Atherosclerosis. 2022;346:46-52.
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  186. KATSIKI N, Raggi P, Korosoglou G
    Carotid ultrasound and coronary calcium for the prediction of incident cardiac disease in asymptomatic individuals: A further step towards precision medicine especially in women?
    Atherosclerosis. 2022;346:79-81.
    >> Share

  187. YAMAGUCHI M, Hoshino M, Sugiyama T, Kanaji Y, et al
    Association of near-infrared spectroscopy-defined lipid rich plaque with lesion morphology and peri-coronary inflammation on computed tomography angiography.
    Atherosclerosis. 2022;346:109-116.
    >> Share

    March 2022
  188. CHO IY, Chang Y, Sung E, Kim Y, et al
    Fasting ketonuria is inversely associated with coronary artery calcification in non-diabetic individuals.
    Atherosclerosis. 2022;348:1-7.
    >> Share

  189. LESZEK A, Poli L, Zbinden S, Godoy LC, et al
    Outcomes with revascularization and medical therapy in patients with coronary disease and chronic kidney disease: A meta-analysis.
    Atherosclerosis. 2022 Mar 4. pii: S0021-9150(22)00106.
    >> Share

  190. CHRISTENSEN DM, Strange JE, Phelps M, Schjerning AM, et al
    Age- and sex-specific trends in the incidence of myocardial infarction in Denmark, 2005 to 2021.
    Atherosclerosis. 2022;346:63-67.
    >> Share

  191. BAJAJ R, Eggermont J, Grainger SJ, Raber L, et al
    Machine learning for atherosclerotic tissue component classification in combined near-infrared spectroscopy intravascular ultrasound imaging: Validation against histology.
    Atherosclerosis. 2022;345:15-25.
    >> Share

  192. ASZTALOS BF, Hauser TH, Goldfine AB, Welty FK, et al
    The role of HDL- and non-HDL-related parameters in cell-cholesterol efflux capacity.
    Atherosclerosis. 2022;345:1-6.
    >> Share

  193. KOBO O, Saada M, Laanmets P, Karageorgiev D, et al
    Impact of peripheral artery disease on prognosis after percutaneous coronary intervention: Outcomes from the multicenter prospective e-ULTIMASTER registry.
    Atherosclerosis. 2022;344:71-77.
    >> Share

  194. KOSHY AN, Nerlekar N, Gow PJ, Lim R, et al
    A prospective natural history study of coronary atherosclerosis following liver transplantation.
    Atherosclerosis. 2022;344:40-48.
    >> Share

  195. KUNIO M, Gardecki JA, Watanabe K, Nishimiya K, et al
    Histopathological correlation of near infrared autofluorescence in human cadaver coronary arteries.
    Atherosclerosis. 2022;344:31-39.
    >> Share

  196. FUJIMOTO D, Otake H, Kawamori H, Toba T, et al
    Cholesterol uptake capacity: A new measure of high-density lipoprotein functionality as a predictor of subsequent revascularization in patients undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention.
    Atherosclerosis. 2022;345:44-50.
    >> Share

    February 2022
  197. PASZEK E, Pociask E, Zabczyk M, Piorkowski A, et al
    Active factor XI is associated with the risk of cardiovascular events in stable coronary artery disease patients.
    Atherosclerosis. 2022 Feb 11. pii: S0021-9150(22)00078.
    >> Share

  198. STONE PH, Coskun AU
    Coronary angiography-based shear stress computation to identify high-risk coronary artery plaques: Are we there yet?
    Atherosclerosis. 2022;342:25-27.
    >> Share

  199. WENTZEL JJ, Papafaklis MI, Antoniadis AP, Takahashi S, et al
    Sex-related differences in plaque characteristics and endothelial shear stress related plaque-progression in human coronary arteries.
    Atherosclerosis. 2022;342:9-18.
    >> Share

  200. HULTEN EA, Gallagher RM
    Coronary revascularization for patients with non-ST elevation myocardial infarction and chronic kidney disease: Better three hours too soon than a minute too late?
    Atherosclerosis. 2022 Feb 1. pii: S0021-9150(22)00042.
    >> Share

    January 2022
  201. GUDMUNDSSON EF, Bjornsdottir G, Sigurdsson S, Andersen K, et al
    Carotid plaque is strongly associated with coronary artery calcium and predicts incident coronary heart disease in a population-based cohort.
    Atherosclerosis. 2022 Jan 23. pii: S0021-9150(22)00043.
    >> Share

  202. YOSHIDA Y, Chen Z, Baudier RL, Krousel-Wood M, et al
    Menopausal hormone therapy and risk of cardiovascular events in women with prediabetes or type 2 diabetes: A pooled analysis of 2917 postmenopausal women.
    Atherosclerosis. 2022;344:13-19.
    >> Share

  203. HE X, Dong B, Liang W, Wu Y, et al
    Ischemic risk in patients with heart failure with preserved ejection fraction: A post hoc analysis of the TOPCAT data.
    Atherosclerosis. 2022;344:1-6.
    >> Share

  204. ANNEMA W, Gawinecka J, Muendlein A, Saely CH, et al
    Elevated levels of apolipoprotein D predict poor outcome in patients with suspected or established coronary artery disease.
    Atherosclerosis. 2022;341:27-33.
    >> Share

  205. LEE YH, Tsai TH, Chen JH, Huang CJ, et al
    Machine learning of treadmill exercise test to improve selection for testing for coronary artery disease.
    Atherosclerosis. 2022;340:23-27.
    >> Share

  206. MA WF, Hodonsky CJ, Turner AW, Wong D, et al
    Enhanced single-cell RNA-seq workflow reveals coronary artery disease cellular cross-talk and candidate drug targets.
    Atherosclerosis. 2022;340:12-22.
    >> Share

    December 2021
  207. ZHANG H, Yi M, Wang Y, Zhang Y, et al
    Air pollution and recurrence of cardiovascular events after ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction.
    Atherosclerosis. 2021;342:1-8.
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  208. KIM YH, Her AY, Jeong MH, Kim BK, et al
    Outcome of early versus delayed invasive strategy in patients with non-ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction and chronic kidney disease not on dialysis.
    Atherosclerosis. 2021 Dec 1. pii: S0021-9150(21)01463.
    >> Share

  209. ZEB I, Jorgensen NW, Blumenthal RS, Burke GL, et al
    Association of inflammatory markers and lipoprotein particle subclasses with progression of coronary artery calcium: The multi-ethnic study of atherosclerosis.
    Atherosclerosis. 2021;339:27-34.
    >> Share

  210. DI GIORGI N, Michelucci E, Smit JM, Scholte AJHA, et al
    A specific plasma lipid signature associated with high triglycerides and low HDL cholesterol identifies residual CAD risk in patients with chronic coronary syndrome.
    Atherosclerosis. 2021;339:1-11.
    >> Share

  211. DZAYE O, Berning P, Dardari ZA, Berman DS, et al
    Coronary artery calcium is associated with long-term mortality from lung cancer: Results from the Coronary Artery Calcium Consortium.
    Atherosclerosis. 2021;339:48-54.
    >> Share

    November 2021
  212. LOH WJ, Chang X, Aw TC, Phua SK, et al
    Lipoprotein(a) as predictor of coronary artery disease and myocardial infarction in a multi-ethnic Asian population.
    Atherosclerosis. 2021 Nov 26. pii: S0021-9150(21)01446.
    >> Share

  213. CANDREVA A, Pagnoni M, Rizzini ML, Mizukami T, et al
    Risk of myocardial infarction based on endothelial shear stress analysis using coronary angiography.
    Atherosclerosis. 2021 Nov 16. pii: S0021-9150(21)01437.
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  214. VERDOIA M, De Luca G
    Reply to: "Mortality and in-stent thrombosis in COVID-19 patients with STEMI: More work ahead".
    Atherosclerosis. 2021;336:49-50.
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  215. ZUIN M, Rigatelli G, Zuliani G, Roncon L, et al
    Mortality and in-stent thrombosis in COVID-19 patients with STEMI: More work ahead.
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  216. WANG FM, Yang C, Ballew SH, Kalbaugh CA, et al
    Ankle-brachial index and subsequent risk of incident and recurrent cardiovascular events in older adults: The Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities (ARIC) study.
    Atherosclerosis. 2021;336:39-47.
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    October 2021
  217. MAHENDIRAN T, Klingenberg R, Nanchen D, Gencer B, et al
    CCN family member 1 (CCN1) is an early marker of infarct size and left ventricular dysfunction in STEMI patients.
    Atherosclerosis. 2021;335:77-83.
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  218. MARTINEZ-CEBALLOS MA, Sinning Rey JC, Alzate-Granados JP, Mendoza-Pinto C, et al
    Coronary calcium in autoimmune diseases: A systematic literature review and meta-analysis.
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  219. KIM H, Park JT, Lee J, Jung JY, et al
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    Correspondence to: "Atherogenic index of plasma and the risk of rapid progression of coronary atherosclerosis beyond traditional risk factors".
    Atherosclerosis. 2021;335:148.
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  221. NEGRINI S, von Eckardstein A
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    Atherosclerosis. 2021;335:149.
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  222. VENKATARAMAN P, Huynh Q, Nicholls SJ, Stanton T, et al
    Impact of a coronary artery calcium-guided statin treatment protocol on cardiovascular risk at 12 months: Results from a pragmatic, randomised controlled trial.
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  223. HAQUE W, Grandhi GR, Kanaya AM, Kandula NR, et al
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  224. BAMBAGIONI G, Di Mario C, Torguson R, Demola P, et al
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  225. AHMED AI, Han Y, Al Rifai M, Alnabelsi T, et al
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    The relationship between directly measured statin adherence, self-reported adherence measures and cholesterol levels in patients with coronary heart disease.
    Atherosclerosis. 2021;336:23-29.
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  227. LIU Y, Liu S, Zhao Z, Song X, et al
    Phenylacetylglutamine is associated with the degree of coronary atherosclerotic severity assessed by coronary computed tomographic angiography in patients with suspected coronary artery disease.
    Atherosclerosis. 2021;333:75-82.
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    Time for sex specific atherosclerosis risk prediction.
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    Atherosclerosis. 2021;333:100-107.
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