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Ischemic Heart Disease

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Articles published in
PLoS Comput Biol
    June 2024
  1. LI Q, Yan Z, Wang Z, Liang C, et al
    A simulation study on the antiarrhythmic mechanisms of established agents in myocardial ischemia and infarction.
    PLoS Comput Biol. 2024;20:e1012244.
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    April 2022
  2. FASSINA D, Costa CM, Longobardi S, Karabelas E, et al
    Modelling the interaction between stem cells derived cardiomyocytes patches and host myocardium to aid non-arrhythmic engineered heart tissue design.
    PLoS Comput Biol. 2022;18:e1010030.
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  3. LIANG C, Li Q, Wang K, Du Y, et al
    Mechanisms of ventricular arrhythmias elicited by coexistence of multiple electrophysiological remodeling in ischemia: A simulation study.
    PLoS Comput Biol. 2022;18:e1009388.
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