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Breast Cancer

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Articles published in
    June 2024
  1. MONTERAN L, Erez N
    An unexpected corridor to brain metastasis.
    Science. 2024;384:1302-1303.
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  2. WHITELEY AE, Ma D, Wang L, Yu SY, et al
    Breast cancer exploits neural signaling pathways for bone-to-meninges metastasis.
    Science. 2024;384:eadh5548.
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    May 2024
  3. HOULAHAN KE, Khan A, Greenwald NF, Vivas CS, et al
    Germline-mediated immunoediting sculpts breast cancer subtypes and metastatic proclivity.
    Science. 2024;384:eadh8697.
    >> Share

  4. WADDELL N, Addala V
    Germline variants alter immune surveillance.
    Science. 2024;384:961-962.
    >> Share

    October 2023
  5. VINCENT RL, Gurbatri CR, Li F, Vardoshvili A, et al
    Probiotic-guided CAR-T cells for solid tumor targeting.
    Science. 2023;382:211-218.
    >> Share

    October 2021
  6. KIM M, Park J, Bouhaddou M, Kim K, et al
    A protein interaction landscape of breast cancer.
    Science. 2021;374:eabf3066.
    >> Share

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