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Breast Cancer

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Articles published in
Acta Cytol
    January 2024
  1. SHINOMIYA Y, Kouchi Y, Onodera K, Yamamoto H, et al
    Imprint Cytology of Tall Cell Carcinoma with Reversed Polarity of the Breast: A Case Report.
    Acta Cytol. 2024;68:73-79.
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  2. LI JJX, Chow MBCY, Ng JKM, Tsang JY, et al
    Cytomorphological Assessment in Aspirates of Ductal Carcinoma in situ: Correlations with Histopathologic Grade, Architectural Pattern, and Invasion.
    Acta Cytol. 2024;68:45-53.
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  3. HOSHINO A, Oana Y, Ohi Y, Maeda Y, et al
    Using the DNA Integrity Number to Analyze DNA Quality in Specimens Collected from Liquid-Based Cytology after Fine-Needle Aspiration of Breast Tumors and Lesions.
    Acta Cytol. 2024;68:145-152.
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    January 2023
  4. TJENDRA Y, Millan N, Velez Torres JM, Zuo Y, et al
    Utility of TRPS1 in Malignant Effusion Cytology.
    Acta Cytol. 2023;67:273-279.
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  5. BHUYAN G, Khound R, Baruah AK, Chowdhury S, et al
    Diagnostic Accuracy of the International Academy of Cytology Yokohama System versus the Modified Masood's Scoring Index in Categorization and Diagnosis of Palpable Breast Lesions.
    Acta Cytol. 2023;67:280-288.
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  6. LI JJX, Ng JKM, Lai BSW, Lee CHC, et al
    Tubular Adenomas of the Breast Are Cytologically Distinct from Fibroadenomas.
    Acta Cytol. 2023;67:219-229.
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  7. NAKAMURA R, Hayama S, Yoshimura S, Itami M, et al
    Clinical Impact of Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology on Sentinel Node Biopsy after Preoperative Chemotherapy for Core Needle Biopsy-Proven Metastatic Lymph Nodes.
    Acta Cytol. 2023;67:378-387.
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  8. PAI S, Murthy V S
    Correlative Evaluation of Seven Cytological 3-Tier Grading Systems of Breast Carcinoma with the Standard Histological Grading: A 4 and (1/2) Year Study.
    Acta Cytol. 2023;67:482-492.
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  9. NODA Y, Nakanishi Y, Tsuta K, Inaji H, et al
    Cell Block-Based Two-Dimensional and Immunocytochemical Analyses Could Reduce Atypical/Indeterminate Case Frequency in Breast Fine-Needle Aspiration Cytology: A Retrospective Analysis.
    Acta Cytol. 2023;67:583-592.
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    November 2022
  10. PAUL P, Azad S, Agrawal S, Rao S, et al
    Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of the Diagnostic Accuracy of the International Academy of Cytology Yokohama System for Reporting Breast Fine-Needle Aspiration Biopsy in Diagnosing Breast Cancer.
    Acta Cytol. 2022 Nov 22:1-16. doi: 10.1159/000527346.
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    January 2022
  11. YOSHIOKA H, Shimoda T, Oikawa S, Morohashi S, et al
    Usefulness of Fractal Analysis of Kirsch Edge Images for the Tissue Fragment Inner Structure in Breast FNAB.
    Acta Cytol. 2022;66:149-158.
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  12. BEHZATOGLU K, Schmitt F
    Primary Small Cell Malignancies of the Breast: Are They Rare Malignancies?
    Acta Cytol. 2022;66:347-356.
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  13. KAUR H, Handa U, Kundu R, Bhagat R, et al
    Correlation of Morphological Features of Chromosomal Instability and Flow Cytometric DNA Ploidy Analysis in Aspirates of Breast Carcinoma.
    Acta Cytol. 2022;66:389-395.
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    January 2021
  14. SARANGI S, Rao M, Elhence PA, Nalwa A, et al
    Risk Stratification of Breast Fine-Needle Aspiration Biopsy Specimens Performed without Radiologic Guidance by Application of the International Academy of Cytology Yokohama System for Reporting Breast Fine-Needle Aspiration Cytopathology.
    Acta Cytol. 2021;65:483-493.
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  15. KOK KYY, Telisinghe PU, Tripathi S
    Fine-Needle Aspiration Cytology in the Diagnosis of Breast Paraffinoma.
    Acta Cytol. 2021;65:478-482.
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  16. AGRAWAL N, Kothari K, Tummidi S, Sood P, et al
    Fine-Needle Aspiration Biopsy Cytopathology of Breast Lesions Using the International Academy of Cytology Yokohama System and Rapid On-Site Evaluation: A Single-Institute Experience.
    Acta Cytol. 2021;65:463-477.
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