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Articles published in
    December 2025

  1. Global, regional, and national progress towards the 2030 global nutrition targets and forecasts to 2050: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2021.
    Lancet. 2025;404:2543-2583.
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  2. RIO P, Zubicaray J, Navarro S, Galvez E, et al
    Haematopoietic gene therapy of non-conditioned patients with Fanconi anaemia-A: results from open-label phase 1/2 (FANCOLEN-1) and long-term clinical trials.
    Lancet. 2025;404:2584-2592.
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    November 2024
  3. KWIATKOWSKI JL, Walters MC, Hongeng S, Yannaki E, et al
    Betibeglogene autotemcel gene therapy in patients with transfusion-dependent, severe genotype beta-thalassaemia (HGB-212): a non-randomised, multicentre, single-arm, open-label, single-dose, phase 3 trial.
    Lancet. 2024;404:2175-2186.
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    October 2024

  4. The effect of tranexamic acid on postpartum bleeding in women with moderate and severe anaemia (WOMAN-2): an international, randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial.
    Lancet. 2024;404:1645-1656.
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    July 2024
  5. MEULENBELD A, Ramondt S, Sweegers MG, Quee FA, et al
    Effectiveness of ferritin-guided donation intervals in whole-blood donors in the Netherlands (FIND'EM): a stepped-wedge cluster-randomised trial.
    Lancet. 2024;404:31-43.
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    May 2024
  6. PASRICHA SR, Rogers L, Branca F, Garcia-Casal MN, et al
    Measuring haemoglobin concentration to define anaemia: WHO guidelines.
    Lancet. 2024;403:1963-1966.
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    April 2024
  7. D'ANGELO SP, Araujo DM, Abdul Razak AR, Agulnik M, et al
    Afamitresgene autoleucel for advanced synovial sarcoma and myxoid round cell liposarcoma (SPEARHEAD-1): an international, open-label, phase 2 trial.
    Lancet. 2024;403:1460-1471.
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    January 2024
  8. WEST EE, Woodruff T, Fremeaux-Bacchi V, Kemper C, et al
    Complement in human disease: approved and up-and-coming therapeutics.
    Lancet. 2024;403:392-405.
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    December 2023
    The promise of genetic therapies in sickle cell disease.
    Lancet. 2023;402:2265.
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    November 2023
  10. BRADFORD DRR, Swift A, Allik M, McMahon AD, et al
    Physical health of care-experienced young children in high-income countries: a scoping review.
    Lancet. 2023;402 Suppl 1:S28.
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    September 2023
  11. ROBERTS I, Jones CP
    Structural racism and iron deficiency anaemia.
    Lancet. 2023;402:834-835.
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    July 2023
  12. AGARWAL N, Azad AA, Carles J, Fay AP, et al
    Talazoparib plus enzalutamide in men with first-line metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer (TALAPRO-2): a randomised, placebo-controlled, phase 3 trial.
    Lancet. 2023;402:291-303.
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  13. DASHRAATH P, Lim KMX, Chin HL, Sidek A, et al
    Non-immune hydrops fetalis caused by Diamond-Blackfan anaemia and a mutation of the RPL15 gene.
    Lancet. 2023;402:141.
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    June 2023
  14. PLATZBECKER U, Della Porta MG, Santini V, Zeidan AM, et al
    Efficacy and safety of luspatercept versus epoetin alfa in erythropoiesis-stimulating agent-naive, transfusion-dependent, lower-risk myelodysplastic syndromes (COMMANDS): interim analysis of a phase 3, open-label, randomised controlled trial.
    Lancet. 2023 Jun 9:S0140-6736(23)00874-7. doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(23)00874.
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    May 2023
  15. CONRAD N, Misra S, Verbakel JY, Verbeke G, et al
    Incidence, prevalence, and co-occurrence of autoimmune disorders over time and by age, sex, and socioeconomic status: a population-based cohort study of 22 million individuals in the UK.
    Lancet. 2023 May 5:S0140-6736(23)00457-9. doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(23)00457.
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    April 2023
  16. SHAND AW, Kidson-Gerber GL
    Anaemia in pregnancy: a major global health problem.
    Lancet. 2023 Apr 20:S0140-6736(23)00396-3. doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(23)00396.
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  17. PASRICHA SR, Mwangi MN, Moya E, Ataide R, et al
    Ferric carboxymaltose versus standard-of-care oral iron to treat second-trimester anaemia in Malawian pregnant women: a randomised controlled trial.
    Lancet. 2023 Apr 20:S0140-6736(23)00278-7. doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(23)00278.
    >> Share

  18. PEPE J, Cipriani C, Colangelo L, Minisola S, et al
    Avascular necrosis in both hips in a patient with transfusion dependent beta-thalassaemia.
    Lancet. 2023;401:e19.
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    January 2023
  19. VERSTOVSEK S, Gerds AT, Vannucchi AM, Al-Ali HK, et al
    Momelotinib versus danazol in symptomatic patients with anaemia and myelofibrosis (MOMENTUM): results from an international, double-blind, randomised, controlled, phase 3 study.
    Lancet. 2023;401:269-280.
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  20. IKEDA K, Ueda K
    Gaining MOMENTUM against anaemic myelofibrosis.
    Lancet. 2023;401:248-249.
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    November 2022
  21. MICHAEL M, Bagga A, Sartain SE, Smith RJH, et al
    Haemolytic uraemic syndrome.
    Lancet. 2022;400:1722-1740.
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  22. MCDONAGH TA, Bromage DI, Cannata A
    Intravenous iron passes another endurance test in heart failure.
    Lancet. 2022 Nov 4. pii: S0140-6736(22)02180.
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  23. KALRA PR, Cleland JGF, Petrie MC, Thomson EA, et al
    Intravenous ferric derisomaltose in patients with heart failure and iron deficiency in the UK (IRONMAN): an investigator-initiated, prospective, randomised, open-label, blinded-endpoint trial.
    Lancet. 2022 Nov 4. pii: S0140-6736(22)02083.
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    October 2022
  24. SHIH MY, Wang JD
    Ghost cells are the spectre of fetal-maternal haemorrhage.
    Lancet. 2022;400:1223.
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    September 2022
  25. VAN GALEN LS, Simsek S
    Chilling to the marrow: finding extramedullary haematopoiesis in an unusual location behind the xiphoid.
    Lancet. 2022;400:e9.
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    August 2022
  26. KUO KHM, Layton DM, Lal A, Al-Samkari H, et al
    Safety and efficacy of mitapivat, an oral pyruvate kinase activator, in adults with non-transfusion dependent alpha-thalassaemia or beta-thalassaemia: an open-label, multicentre, phase 2 study.
    Lancet. 2022;400:493-501.
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    An energy booster for thalassaemic red blood cells.
    Lancet. 2022;400:470-471.
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    June 2022
  28. KATTAMIS A, Kwiatkowski JL, Aydinok Y
    Lancet. 2022;399:2310-2324.
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    January 2022
  29. TONELLI M, Thadhani R
    Anaemia in chronic kidney disease: what do new generation agents offer?
    Lancet. 2022 Jan 25. pii: S0140-6736(22)00120.
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  30. VIGNESHWARAN J, Kumar MS, Raghavan V, Sundari S, et al
    Seizures and sideroblastic anaemia in a patient with multidrug-resistant tuberculosis.
    Lancet. 2022;399:393.
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    September 2021
  31. LICHTSINN HS, Weyand AC, McKinney ZJ, Wilson AM, et al
    Sickle cell trait: an unsound cause of death.
    Lancet. 2021;398:1128-1129.
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  32. GURNARI C, Colak C, Zawit M, Maciejewski JP, et al
    Chronic Budd-Chiari syndrome in paroxysmal nocturnal haemoglobinuria.
    Lancet. 2021;398:e14.
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    February 2021
  33. RICHARDS T, Clevenger B, Dahly D, Besser M, et al
    Iron deficiency in PREVENTT - Authors' reply.
    Lancet. 2021;397:670.
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  34. KEEGAN A, Crispin P, Ormerod A, Brown K, et al
    Iron deficiency in PREVENTT.
    Lancet. 2021;397:669.
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  35. FROESSLER B, Murphy E, Hodyl N
    Iron deficiency in PREVENTT.
    Lancet. 2021;397:668.
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  36. HOFMANN A, Gross I, Girelli D, Aapro M, et al
    Iron deficiency in PREVENTT.
    Lancet. 2021;397:668-669.
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    January 2021
  37. PASRICHA SR, Tye-Din J, Muckenthaler MU, Swinkels DW, et al
    Iron deficiency.
    Lancet. 2021;397:233-248.
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  38. GUILLAUME M, Lahary A, Zourdani L, Malandain E, et al
    A painless, sudden loss of vision in sickle cell anaemia: central retinal artery occlusion.
    Lancet. 2021;397:e1.
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  39. CRITCHLEY HOD, Munro MG, Shakur-Still H, Roberts I, et al
    Menstruation should not be overlooked in control of anaemia.
    Lancet. 2021;397:26.
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    December 2020
  40. MUNOZ M, Gomez-Ramirez S, Rondinelli MB, Weltert L, et al
    Preoperative intravenous iron for cardiac surgery.
    Lancet. 2020;396:1884.
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  41. MYLES PS, Richards T, Klein A
    Preoperative intravenous iron for cardiac surgery.
    Lancet. 2020;396:1883-1884.
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    November 2020
  42. PONIKOWSKI P, Kirwan BA, Anker SD, McDonagh T, et al
    Ferric carboxymaltose for iron deficiency at discharge after acute heart failure: a multicentre, double-blind, randomised, controlled trial.
    Lancet. 2020 Nov 12. pii: S0140-6736(20)32339.
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    September 2020
  43. ABRAMSON JS, Palomba ML, Gordon LI, Lunning MA, et al
    Lisocabtagene maraleucel for patients with relapsed or refractory large B-cell lymphomas (TRANSCEND NHL 001): a multicentre seamless design study.
    Lancet. 2020;396:839-852.
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