02 December 2024

Amedeo Smart

Independent Medical Education

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02 December 2024 | n=73

  1. Jothee S, Ahmad NAB, Zainun KA, Byard RW, et al.
    Speed of death from accidental suffocation in infancy.
    Acta Paediatr 2024.

  2. Benitez-Marin MJ, Blasco-Alonso M, de Rodriguez de Fonseca F, Jimenez JS, et al.
    Evaluating neuronal damage biomarkers at birth for predicting neurodevelopmental risks in foetal growth restriction.
    Acta Paediatr 2024.

  3. Jonas K, Lamberska T, Nguyen TA, Kudrna P, et al.
    High-flow nasal cannula for stabilisation of very premature infants: A prospective observational study.
    Acta Paediatr 2024.

  4. Yan R, Gao S, Liu X, Liu R, et al.
    Assisted reproductive technology and the risk of birth defects mediated by multifetal pregnancy: evidence from the China Birth Cohort Study.
    Am J Obstet Gynecol 2024.

  5. Eiler I, Boyd L, Klitzman M, Majmudar-Sheth B, et al.
    Impact of Social Determinants of Health on Follow-Up for Neonates Requiring Neurocritical Care.
    Am J Perinatol 2024.

  6. Roberts AG, Kilpatrick R, Diaz LD, Benjamin S, et al.
    Trends in Gabapentin Use in Neonatal Intensive Care Units from 2005 to 2020.
    Am J Perinatol 2024.

  7. Wang B, Seif KE, Lei J, Mangione ME, et al.
    Novel placental biomarker shows predictive potential for spontaneous preterm labor.
    Am J Perinatol 2024.

  8. Garg PP, Weis VG, Shenberger J, Weiss J, et al.
    Bedside Utilization of Intestinal Pathology in Preterm Infants with Surgical Necrotizing Enterocolitis.
    Am J Perinatol 2024.

  9. Pease ME, Yi E, Joshi S, Poletto E, et al.
    In-Hospital Outcomes of Neonates with Hypoxic-Ischemic Encephalopathy Receiving Sedation-Analgesia during Therapeutic Hypothermia.
    Am J Perinatol 2024.

  10. Inceli O, Sonmez C, Inceli EE, Topcu HO, et al.
    Transplacental Transport Rates of Anti-pertussis Toxin-IgG and Anti-filamentous Hemagglutinin-IgG Antibodies in Newborns by Week of Birth.
    Am J Perinatol 2024.

  11. Suflas R, Cox R, Viscardi RM, Leung J, et al.
    Risk Factors for Hearing Screen Failure in a Single Family Room Neonatal Intensive Care Unit.
    Am J Perinatol 2024.

  12. Ludorf KL, Benjamin RH, Canfield M, Shumate C, et al.
    Low Apgar Score and Risk of Neonatal Mortality among Infants with Birth Defects.
    Am J Perinatol 2024.

  13. Kemmotsu T, Shimokaze T, Morita Y, Saito T, et al.
    Changes in liver shear wave elastography of preterm infants during hospitalization.
    Am J Perinatol 2024.

  14. Rosario DC, Pezzano C, Ward L, Cerone J, et al.
    Cardiac Troponin-I Level at 24 hours of Age in Stable Newborn Infants Born at >/=35 Weeks of Gestation.
    Am J Perinatol 2024.

  15. Rourke E.
    Research findings should be carefully communicated to reduce stigma associated with caesarean birth.
    BMJ 2024;387:q2662.

  16. Jung C, Torchin H, Jarreau PH, Ancel PY, et al.
    Early respiratory features of small for gestational age very preterm children.
    Eur J Pediatr 2024;184:54.

  17. Simoes JF, Simao M, Rocha P, Ferreira S, et al.
    Severe neonatal hyperbilirubinaemia in European and Indian subcontinent descendent newborns: a retrospective cohort study.
    Eur J Pediatr 2024;184:51.

  18. Zamunaro A, Cavallin F, Maglio S, Villani PE, et al.
    Applied forces with high vs. low resuscitation table during neonatal ventilation: a randomized crossover manikin study.
    Eur J Pediatr 2024;184:45.

  19. Remy A, Vincent M, Pastor-Diez B, Picaud JC, et al.
    Late postnatal steroid treatment using oral betamethasone can help to close ductus arteriosus in extremely preterm infants who cannot be weaned from ventilation.
    Eur J Pediatr 2024;184:50.

  20. Merino-Hernandez A, Munoz-Cutillas A, Ramos-Navarro C, Bellon-Alonso S, et al.
    Perception of quality of life in school-age children born before 32 weeks of gestational age.
    Eur J Pediatr 2024;184:49.

  21. Bonet J, Guiducci S, Res G, Brigadoi S, et al.
    Continuous Glucose Monitoring among Infants Born Very Preterm: Evidence for Accuracy in Neonatal Intensive Care.
    J Pediatr 2024.

  22. Groves AM, Bennett MM, Loyd J, Clark RH, et al.
    Trajectory of Postnatal Oxygen Requirement in Extremely Preterm Infants.
    J Pediatr 2024.

  23. Cornet MC, Gonzalez FF, Glass HC, Wu TW, et al.
    Chorioamnionitis and Two-Year Outcomes in Infants with Hypoxic-Ischemic Encephalopathy.
    J Pediatr 2024.

  24. Peart S, Kahvo M, Alarcon-Martinez T, Hodgson K, et al.
    Clinical Guidelines for Management of Infants Born Before 25 Weeks' Gestation: How Representative Is the Current Evidence?
    J Pediatr 2024.

  25. Voto L, Gonzalez CA, Gonzalez S.
    Hemolytic disease of the fetus and newborn: pregnant person's and fetal immune systems interaction.
    J Perinat Med 2024.

  26. Ikuta Y, Takatori F, Amari S, Ito A, et al.
    Effects of a respiratory function indicator light on visual attention and ventilation quality during neonatal resuscitation: a randomised controlled crossover simulation trial.
    J Perinat Med 2024.

  27. Koc E, Unal S.
    Viability of Extremely Premature neonates: clinical approaches and outcomes.
    J Perinat Med 2024.

  28. Goodyear L, Rao R, Huck J, Buckles M, et al.
    Decreasing respiratory device-related pressure injuries in the NICU using 3D printed barrier templates.
    J Perinatol 2024;44:1848-1853.

  29. Zasada M, Karcz P, Olszewska M, Kowalik A, et al.
    Cerebral magnetic resonance spectroscopy - insights into preterm brain injury.
    J Perinatol 2024.

  30. Amin MD, Wigby K, Suttner D, Niemi AK, et al.
    Clinical utility of rapid whole genome sequencing in neonatal patients receiving extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO).
    J Perinatol 2024.

  31. Callahan KP, Farrell K, Gibbs K, Kielt MJ, et al.
    Childhood outcomes following discharge from a referral bronchopulmonary dysplasia program.
    J Perinatol 2024;44:1832-1838.

  32. Chawla V, Peluso AM, Ball MK, Tabbutt S, et al.
    Practice variation in therapeutic hypothermia for hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy among neonates with congenital heart disease in the United States.
    J Perinatol 2024.

  33. Norheim OF, Chang AY, Bolongaita S, Barraza-Llorens M, et al.
    Halving premature death and improving quality of life at all ages: cross-country analyses of past trends and future directions.
    Lancet 2024.

  34. Osmundson SS, Lappen JR.
    Antenatal Corticosteroid Administration for Patients at Risk for Late Preterm Delivery: Shared Decision-Making, Individualizing Risk, and Centering Patient Values.
    Obstet Gynecol 2024;144:744-746.

  35. Schechter MS, Ostrenga JS, Cromwell EA, Ren CL, et al.
    Treatment of small as well as large declines in lung function enhances recovery to baseline in people with CF.
    Pediatr Pulmonol 2024;59:3212-3220.

  36. Zheng X, Tan Z, Zhu D, Zhao D, et al.
    Eclipta prostrata improves alveolar development of bronchopulmonary dysplasia via suppressing the NLRP3 inflammasome in a DLD-dependent manner.
    Pediatr Pulmonol 2024;59:3371-3382.

  37. Pasley K, Dell ML, May A.
    Diagnosis and treatment of ADHD in pediatric patients during the first year of elexacaftor/tezacaftor/ivacaftor.
    Pediatr Pulmonol 2024;59:3524-3529.

  38. Halbert-Elliott KM, Sescleifer AM, Mogayzel PJ, Kunisaki SM, et al.
    Respiratory Morbidity Among Children Undergoing Surgical Resection for a Congenital Lung Malformation.
    Pediatr Pulmonol 2024.

  39. Niranjan SJ, Brown G, Bailey J, Geurs R, et al.
    "I eat chocolate milk for dinner because we just have nothing in our fridge": The invisible burden and dire consequences of food insecurity for people with cystic fibrosis in the United States.
    Pediatr Pulmonol 2024;59:3228-3239.

  40. Omecene NE, Wilcox N, Cox AL, Ham P, et al.
    A review of proton pump inhibitor use in cystic fibrosis and considerations for deprescribing.
    Pediatr Pulmonol 2024;59:3148-3158.

  41. Yildiz CA, Selcuk Balci M, Karabulut S, Baser ZM, et al.
    Exploring Turkey's mosaic of novel variants and complex alleles in cystic fibrosis genetics.
    Pediatr Pulmonol 2024;59:3540-3549.

  42. Alachraf K, Tumin D, Hayes D, Benden C, et al.
    Trends in racial and ethnic disparities in pediatric lung transplantation in the United States.
    Pediatr Pulmonol 2024;59:3204-3211.

  43. Hamiwe T, White DA, Kwenda S, Ismail A, et al.
    Detection of the epidemic Pseudomonas aeruginosa AUST-03 (ST242) strain in people with cystic fibrosis in South Africa.
    Pediatr Pulmonol 2024;59:3340-3348.

  44. Balci MS, Gokdemir Y, Eralp EE, Ergenekon AP, et al.
    Assessment of patients' baseline cystic fibrosis knowledge levels following translation and adaptation of the CF R.I.S.E translation program into Turkish.
    Pediatr Pulmonol 2024;59:3483-3490.

  45. Shen L, Wan S, Sun X, Zheng R, et al.
    Establishment and evaluation of nomogram for predicting acute respiratory distress syndrome in meconium-stained amniotic fluid neonates.
    Pediatr Pulmonol 2024.

  46. Yildiz CA, Selcuk Balci M, Karabulut S, Baser ZM, et al.
    Beyond the 10%: Unraveling the genetic diversity in Turkish cystic fibrosis patients not eligible for CFTR modulators.
    Pediatr Pulmonol 2024;59:3250-3259.

  47. McGlynn JR, Martin A, Aoyama BC, Bamat NA, et al.
    Bronchopulmonary dysplasia and diuretic use in an outpatient setting.
    Pediatr Pulmonol 2024;59:3426-3434.

  48. Chorney SR, Beams DR, Nadar A, Afolabi F, et al.
    Bronchopulmonary dysplasia and ventilation-associated outcomes after pediatric tracheostomy.
    Pediatr Pulmonol 2024;59:3530-3539.

  49. Palla JB.
    Disparities and therapeutic advances in cystic fibrosis.
    Pediatr Pulmonol 2024;59:3812-3818.

  50. Nayir Buyuksahin H, Yalcin E, Gokirmak I, Ertugrul G, et al.
    Evaluation of otorhinolaryngologic, audiologic, and genetic findings in children with cystic fibrosis: A tertiary care experience.
    Pediatr Pulmonol 2024;59:3298-3305.

  51. Marzook N, Dubrovsky AS, Muchantef K, Zielinski D, et al.
    Lung ultrasound in children with primary ciliary dyskinesia or cystic fibrosis.
    Pediatr Pulmonol 2024;59:3391-3399.

  52. Lopez Cardenes CM, Merino Sanchez-Canete A, Vicente Santamaria S, Gascon Galindo C, et al.
    Effects on growth, weight and body composition after CFTR modulators in children with cystic fibrosis.
    Pediatr Pulmonol 2024;59:3632-3640.

  53. Riley M, Arigliani M, Davies G, Aurora P, et al.
    Looking beyond LCI: Multiple breath washout phase III slope derived indices and their application in chronic respiratory disease in children.
    Pediatr Pulmonol 2024;59:3085-3094.

  54. Rose NR, Dabbs SG, O'Hagan EC, Guimbellot JS, et al.
    Literary evidence of the impact of nonbiological risk factors on CRMS/CFSPID: A scoping review.
    Pediatr Pulmonol 2024;59:3095-3105.

  55. Luo L, Li Y, Long Z, Jiang F, et al.
    Exploring research trends and hotspots on oxidative stress and bronchopulmonary dysplasia: Insights from bibliometric and visualized study.
    Pediatr Pulmonol 2024;59:3610-3623.

  56. Hamada K, Hirakawa E, Tanabe T, Mine T, et al.
    Internal Temperature of Neonatal Endotracheal Tube Predicted by Infrared Thermography: A Neonatal Bench Study.
    Pediatr Pulmonol 2024.

  57. Swetland DV, Savant AP.
    Cystic fibrosis year in review 2023.
    Pediatr Pulmonol 2024;59:3106-3116.

  58. Fainardi V, Cresta F, Sorio C, Melotti P, et al.
    Elexacaftor/tezacaftor/ivacaftor in people with cystic fibrosis and rare mutations.
    Pediatr Pulmonol 2024;59:3383-3390.

  59. Burdis N, Milinic T, Bartlett LE, Goss L, et al.
    A survey of cystic fibrosis physicians' views on lung transplant referral in the era of elexacaftor/tezacaftor/ivacaftor.
    Pediatr Pulmonol 2024;59:3641-3649.

  60. Vitek L, Tiribelli C.
    Efficacy of phototherapy of neonatal jaundice - light wavelength matters.
    Pediatr Res 2024.

  61. Jaekel J, Aubert AM, Jaekel N, Costa R, et al.
    Associations of language barriers with very preterm children's behavioural and socio-emotional problems across Europe.
    Pediatr Res 2024.

  62. Robinson DT.
    Polyunsaturated fatty acids in preterm infants: opportunity to revisit tenets of study design and reporting for nutrient intervention trials.
    Pediatr Res 2024.

  63. Arwehed S, Axelin A, Agren J, Blomqvist YT, et al.
    Discharge criteria, practices, and decision-making in the transition of preterm infants to home.
    Pediatr Res 2024.

  64. Jerez Calero A, Contreras Chova F, Benitez Feliponi A, Azaryah H, et al.
    Pro-inflammatory biomarkers and long term neurological outcomes in hypothermia plus melatonin treated asphyxiated newborns. A preliminary approach.
    Pediatr Res 2024.

  65. Baud O, Torchin H, Butin M, Flamant C, et al.
    Prophylactic low-dose hydrocortisone in neonates born extremely preterm: current knowledge and future challenges.
    Pediatr Res 2024.

  66. Abell B, Rodwell D, Eagleson KJ, Auld B, et al.
    Neurodevelopmental follow-up care pathways and processes for children with congenital heart disease in Australia.
    Pediatr Res 2024.

  67. Roggero P, Ryumina I, Gunier RB, Winsey A, et al.
    Postnatal growth of etiologically characterized preterm newborns according to gestational age at birth.
    Pediatr Res 2024.

  68. Greisen G.
    Cerebral oxygenation in the preterm newborn - what can we do?
    Pediatr Res 2024.

  69. Chang JN, Thayyil S, Garegrat R.
    Hearing loss in neonatal encephalopathy.
    Pediatr Res 2024.

  70. O'Leary ST.
    RSV Prevention in Infants: Promising Products, But at What Cost?
    Pediatrics 2024.

  71. Hinderstein S, Aragona E, Loyal J.
    Parent Perspectives on Nirsevimab for Their Newborn.
    Pediatrics 2024.

  72. Hutton DW, Prosser LA, Rose AM, Mercon K, et al.
    Cost-Effectiveness of Nirsevimab for Respiratory Syncytial Virus in Infants and Young Children.
    Pediatrics 2024.

  73. Cramez C, Lafont M, Boumahni B, Boukerrou M, et al.
    Fetal and neonatal outcomes in syphilis infected pregnant women in Reunion Island: An observational retrospective multicentric study.
    PLoS One 2024;19:e0309828.

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  1. Lamers OAC, Franke-Fayard BMD, Koopman JPR, Roozen GVT, et al.
    Safety and Efficacy of Immunization with a Late-Liver-Stage Attenuated Malaria Parasite.
    N Engl J Med. 2024;391:1913-1923.

  2. Heneka MT, Morgan D, Jessen F.
    Passive anti-amyloid beta immunotherapy in Alzheimer's disease-opportunities and challenges.
    Lancet. 2024 Nov 13:S0140-6736(24)01883-X. doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(24)01883.

  3. Singh S, Loftus EV Jr, Limketkai BN, Haydek JP, et al.
    AGA Living Clinical Practice Guideline on Pharmacological Management of Moderate-to-Severe Ulcerative Colitis.
    Gastroenterology. 2024;167:1307-1343.

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