03 February 2025

Amedeo Smart

Independent Medical Education

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HIV Infection

03 February 2025 | n=38

  1. Naidu N, Kooij KW, Budu M, Ye M, et al.
    Exploring the role of sex in hospitalizations among people with and without HIV in British Columbia, Canada.
    AIDS 2025.

  2. Brown MJ, Murtala NM, Amoatika D, Kaur A, et al.
    Clinical and sociodemographic characteristics of alzheimer's disease and related dementias (AD/ADRD) among people living with HIV: a cross-sectional analysis.
    AIDS 2025.

  3. Casper SJ, Fix ML, Spivak AM.
    A blind spot in HIV diagnosis guidelines?
    AIDS 2025;39:334-335.

  4. Zhen XM, Liu ZH, Zhang L, Xiao F, et al.
    Epstein-Barr virus-associated smooth muscle tumor with multiple lesions in a patient with AIDS.
    AIDS 2025;39:330-333.

  5. Marziali ME, Kooij KW, Zhang W, Budu M, et al.
    Fatal overdoses among people with HIV experiencing nonfatal overdoses in British Columbia, Canada.
    AIDS 2025;39:328-330.

  6. Tao J, Maguire-Wilkerson A, Rusley J, Wray T, et al.
    Implementing conversational artificial intelligence technology for the prevention of HIV and other sexually transmitted infections in real-world settings.
    AIDS 2025;39:324-327.

  7. Goodkin K, Pollack HA.
    Contextual factors related to the overlap of the overdose and HIV pandemics and their clinical implications.
    AIDS 2025;39:321-323.

  8. Ngeno GTK, Bloomfield GS.
    Global health solidarity in the HIV and hypertension disease response.
    AIDS 2025;39:319-320.

  9. Brenner BG, Fairlie L.
    The need to avert emergent resistance to dolutegravir in children and adolescents with HIV.
    AIDS 2025;39:317-318.

  10. Bennett T, Walmsley S, Bendayan R.
    Aging with HIV and HIV-associated neurocognitive impairment.
    AIDS 2025;39:215-228.

  11. Spencer M, Pieri C, Hamzah L, Popoola J, et al.
    Antiretroviral therapy in people with HIV and end-stage kidney disease.
    AIDS 2025.

  12. Urbina EM, Yu W, Williams PL, Sawyer G, et al.
    Central arterial stiffness in young adults with perinatal HIV exposure & infection.
    AIDS 2025.

  13. Hanttu AM, Muniandy M, van der Kolk BW, Lindgren H, et al.
    Adipose tissue transcriptome in patients switching efavirenz or a protease inhibitor to raltegravir compared to people without HIV.
    AIDS 2025.

  14. Xie X, Fu Y, Gan L, Yang X, et al.
    Safety and efficacy of switching to 4-weekly albuvirtide plus daily dolutegravir in virologically suppressed HIV-1 adults: a 24-week study.
    AIDS 2025.

  15. Zhang Z, Zhang Y, Meng J, Fan W, et al.
    Sequence Notes: Characterization of Two Novel HIV-1 Unique Recombinant Forms (CRF01_AE/B) in Hebei Province.
    AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses 2025.

  16. Wang H, Huang H, Li W, Yuan C, et al.
    Near Full-Length Genomic Characterization of a Novel HIV-1 Unique Recombinant (A1/D/K) from an Immigrant Worker in China Using Nanopore Sequencing.
    AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses 2025.

  17. Chen S, Shi H, Zhang Z, Yin L, et al.
    Sequence Notes: Identification of Three Novel HIV-1 Recombinant Strains with Different Recombination Patterns in Hebei Province, China.
    AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses 2025.

  18. Mehta SR, Chaillon A, Wells AB, Little SJ, et al.
    Molecular HIV Surveillance: Beyond Cluster Detection and Response.
    AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses 2025.

  19. Grennan T, Mohammed S, Edward J, Tattersall T, et al.
    A pilot, randomized controlled trial of Dual Daily HIV and sexually transmitted infection pre-exposure prophylaxis using tenofovir disoproxil fumarate/emtricitabine and doxycycline in gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men and transgender w
    Clin Infect Dis 2025.

  20. Bilir SP, Krishnamurthy P, Karichu JK, Blosser SJ, et al.
    Estimating the economic consequences of leveraging the novel cobas(R) HIV-1/HIV-2 Qualitative NAT Test in routine HIV testing.
    Clin Infect Dis 2025.

  21. Chemaly RF, Shafat T, Wald A, Kotton CN, et al.
    Refractory and Resistant Herpes Simplex Virus Mucocutaneous Infections in Immunocompromised Patients: Literature Review and Proposed Definitions for Use in Clinical Trials.
    Clin Infect Dis 2025.

  22. Ford SL, Felizarta F, Han K, Wang K, et al.
    Thigh Injections of Cabotegravir + Rilpivirine in Virally Suppressed Adults With Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1: A Substudy of the Phase 3b ATLAS-2M Study.
    Clin Infect Dis 2025.

  23. Marcus JL, Weddle A, Kelley CF, Agwu A, et al.
    Policy Recommendations to Support Equitable Access to Long-Acting Injectables for Human Immunodeficiency Virus Prevention and Treatment: A Policy Paper of the Infectious Diseases Society of America and the HIV Medicine Association.
    Clin Infect Dis 2025.

  24. Murphy E, Hoffman S, Ssempijja V, Nalugoda F, et al.
    HIV Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) awareness and use among Rakai Community Cohort Study youth aged 15-24.
    J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr 2025.

  25. Marwa MM, Larsen A, Abuna F, Dettinger J, et al.
    HIV risk perception and PrEP uptake among pregnant women offered PrEP during antenatal care in Kenya.
    J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr 2025.

  26. Mimiaga MJ, Kuhns LM, Biello KB, Tian J, et al.
    Positive STEPS: Enhancing Medication Adherence and Achieving Viral Load Suppression in Youth Living with HIV in the United States - Results from a Stepped-Care Randomized Controlled Efficacy Trial.
    J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr 2025.

  27. Sabo MC, Mustafa S, Saha A, Oyaro B, et al.
    Bacterial vaginosis is associated with transcriptomic changes but not higher concentrations of cervical leukocytes in a study of women at high risk for HIV acquisition.
    J Infect Dis 2025.

  28. Margot NA, Jogiraju V, Pennetzdorfer N, Naik V, et al.
    Resistance Analyses in Heavily Treatment-Experienced People with HIV Treated with the Novel HIV Capsid Inhibitor Lenacapavir After 2 years.
    J Infect Dis 2025.

  29. MacCann R, Li J, Leon AAG, Negi R, et al.
    Associations between the gut microbiome, inflammation and cardiovascular profiles in people with HIV.
    J Infect Dis 2025.

  30. Luz E, Marques M, Arriaga MB, Campos LM, et al.
    Risk Factors for Viral Coinfections in Blood Donors in Bahia, Brazil.
    J Med Virol 2025;97:e70186.

  31. Silvestre C, Tuaillon E, Duroyon MM, Abrantes M, et al.
    NK Count and Natural Cytotoxicity in Immune Nonresponders Versus Responders Living With HIV.
    J Med Virol 2025;97:e70170.

  32. Sharma D, Rai M, Singh A, Gaur R, et al.
    Fullerene (C(60) & C(70))-Meso-Tris-4-Carboxyphenyl Porphyrin Dyads Inhibit Entry of Wild-Type and Drug-Resistant HIV-1 Clades B and C.
    J Med Virol 2025;97:e70181.

  33. Tyrberg T, Hagberg L, Nilsson S, Grahn A, et al.
    Incidence and Risk Factors for Varicella-Zoster Virus-Associated Central Nervous System Infections: A Nationwide Swedish Retrospective Case-Control Study.
    J Med Virol 2025;97:e70166.

  34. Kajaste-Rudnitski A, Marelli SS, Pultrone C, Pertel T, et al.
    Correction for Kajaste-Rudnitski et al., "TRIM22 Inhibits HIV-1 Transcription Independently of Its E3 Ubiquitin Ligase Activity, Tat, and NF-kappaB-Responsive Long Terminal Repeat Elements".
    J Virol 2025.

  35. Guglielmetti L, Khan U, Velasquez GE, Gouillou M, et al.
    Oral Regimens for Rifampin-Resistant, Fluoroquinolone-Susceptible Tuberculosis.
    N Engl J Med 2025;392:468-482.

  36. Williams T, Unternaher J, Koay WLA, Anderson L, et al.
    Efficacy, Safety and Retention in Care Among Adolescents and Youth With HIV on Long-Acting Injectable Cabotegravir/Rilpivirine Treatment: Real-World Observational Cohort Outcomes.
    Pediatr Infect Dis J 2025.

  37. Patel H, Kukol A.
    Harnessing viral internal proteins to combat flu and beyond.
    Virology 2025;604:110414.

  38. Nkwelle CE, Stephens U, Liang K, Cassel J, et al.
    A high-throughput, microplate reader-based method to monitor in vitro HIV latency reversal in the absence of flow cytometry.
    Virology 2025;604:110418.

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Amedeo HIV Infection

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AIDS, AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses, Ann Intern Med, BMJ, Clin Infect Dis, J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr, J Clin Immunol, J Clin Invest, J Infect Dis, J Med Virol, J Virol, JAMA, Lancet, N Engl J Med, Nat Med, Pediatr Infect Dis J, Science, Virology.

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Amedeo HIV Infection

Five-Week Literature

03 February 2025

27 January 2025

20 January 2025

13 January 2025

06 January 2025

03 February 2025

Multidisciplinary Journal Club

  1. Ruff CT, Patel SM, Giugliano RP, Morrow DA, et al.
    Abelacimab versus Rivaroxaban in Patients with Atrial Fibrillation.
    N Engl J Med. 2025;392:361-371.

  2. Nicholls SJ, Ni W, Rhodes GM, Nissen SE, et al.
    Oral Muvalaplin for Lowering of Lipoprotein(a): A Randomized Clinical Trial.
    JAMA. 2025;333:222-231.

  3. Macesic N, Uhlemann AC, Peleg AY.
    Multidrug-resistant Gram-negative bacterial infections.
    Lancet. 2025;405:257-272.

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