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Articles published in
J Abnorm Psychol
    November 2021
  1. ZHANG RT, Yang ZY, Huang J, Wang YM, et al
    Neural mechanisms of prospection in individuals with schizotypal traits, autistic traits, or depressive symptoms.
    J Abnorm Psychol. 2021;130:807-814.
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  2. ZAINAL NH, Newman MG
    Increased inflammation predicts nine-year change in major depressive disorder diagnostic status.
    J Abnorm Psychol. 2021;130:829-840.
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    October 2021
  3. PACHANKIS JE, Hatzenbuehler ML, Branstrom R, Schmidt AJ, et al
    Structural stigma and sexual minority men's depression and suicidality: A multilevel examination of mechanisms and mobility across 48 countries.
    J Abnorm Psychol. 2021;130:713-726.
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    September 2021
  4. KLAWOHN J, Brush CJ, Hajcak G
    Neural responses to reward and pleasant pictures prospectively predict remission from depression.
    J Abnorm Psychol. 2021 Sep 13. pii: 2021-85101-001. doi: 10.1037/abn0000696.
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    August 2021
  5. LIU Q, Martin NC, Findling RL, Youngstrom EA, et al
    Hopelessness and depressive symptoms in children and adolescents: An integrative data analysis.
    J Abnorm Psychol. 2021;130:594-607.
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    July 2021
  6. SOTO FA, Stewart RA, Hosseini S, Hays J, et al
    A computational account of the mechanisms underlying face perception biases in depression.
    J Abnorm Psychol. 2021;130:443-454.
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  7. STULL SW, Bertz JW, Panlilio LV, Kowalczyk WJ, et al
    I feel good? Anhedonia might not mean "without pleasure" for people treated for opioid use disorder.
    J Abnorm Psychol. 2021;130:537-549.
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    May 2021
  8. LONDON-NADEAU K, Rioux C, Parent S, Vitaro F, et al
    Longitudinal associations of cannabis, depression, and anxiety in heterosexual and LGB adolescents.
    J Abnorm Psychol. 2021;130:333-345.
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    February 2021
  9. BONDY E, Baranger DAA, Balbona J, Sputo K, et al
    Neuroticism and reward-related ventral striatum activity: Probing vulnerability to stress-related depression.
    J Abnorm Psychol. 2021 Feb 4. pii: 2021-13648-001. doi: 10.1037/abn0000618.
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  10. ETHRIDGE P, Freeman C, Sandre A, Banica I, et al
    Intergenerational transmission of depression risk: Mothers' neural response to reward and history of depression are associated with daughters' neural response to reward across adolescence.
    J Abnorm Psychol. 2021 Feb 4. pii: 2021-13964-001. doi: 10.1037/abn0000662.
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  11. WILLIAMS AL, Craske MG, Mineka S, Zinbarg RE, et al
    Neuroticism and the longitudinal trajectories of anxiety and depressive symptoms in older adolescents.
    J Abnorm Psychol. 2021;130:126-140.
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  12. MENZIES RE, Sharpe L, Dar-Nimrod I
    The effect of mortality salience on bodily scanning behaviors in anxiety-related disorders.
    J Abnorm Psychol. 2021;130:141-151.
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    January 2021
  13. WILLIAMS AL, Craske MG, Mineka S, Zinbarg RE, et al
    Reciprocal effects of personality and general distress: Neuroticism vulnerability is stronger than scarring.
    J Abnorm Psychol. 2021;130:34-46.
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    December 2020
  14. PRICE RB, Panny B, Degutis M, Griffo A, et al
    Repeated measurement of implicit self-associations in clinical depression: Psychometric, neural, and computational properties.
    J Abnorm Psychol. 2020 Dec 3. pii: 2020-90012-001. doi: 10.1037/abn0000651.
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    November 2020
  15. PELHAM WE, West SG, Lemery-Chalfant K, Goodman SH, et al
    Depression in mothers and the externalizing and internalizing behavior of children: An attempt to go beyond association.
    J Abnorm Psychol. 2020 Nov 19. pii: 2020-86682-001. doi: 10.1037/abn0000640.
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  16. MUKHERJEE D, Filipowicz ALS, Vo K, Satterthwaite TD, et al
    Reward and punishment reversal-learning in major depressive disorder.
    J Abnorm Psychol. 2020;129:810-823.
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    October 2020
  17. ELMER T, Geschwind N, Peeters F, Wichers M, et al
    Getting stuck in social isolation: Solitude inertia and depressive symptoms.
    J Abnorm Psychol. 2020;129:713-723.
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    August 2020
  18. MINEKA S, Williams AL, Wolitzky-Taylor K, Vrshek-Schallhorn S, et al
    Five-year prospective neuroticism-stress effects on major depressive episodes: Primarily additive effects of the general neuroticism factor and stress.
    J Abnorm Psychol. 2020;129:646-657.
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    July 2020
  19. VALLATI M, Cunningham S, Mazurka R, Stewart JG, et al
    Childhood maltreatment and the clinical characteristics of major depressive disorder in adolescence and adulthood.
    J Abnorm Psychol. 2020;129:469-479.
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    January 2020
  20. WANG YY, Ge MH, Zhu GH, Jiang NZ, et al
    Emotion-behavior decoupling in individuals with schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and major depressive disorder.
    J Abnorm Psychol. 2020 Jan 13. pii: 2020-01691-001. doi: 10.1037/abn0000499.
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